1/25/96 - USN FFG is making a port visit at Ponce, PR after long sea period conducting counterdrug ops. After initial hazy conditions, entrance range becomes visible at distance of 7 miles. At 0755 ship is steering 013 at 11 knots to maintain track on range. Ship slows to 7 knots to pick up pilot. Distance from forward range marker is about 5 miles. CO and XO are on the bridge, XO is navigator assisted by leading QM as Nav evaluator. In CIC, due to a casualty to the SPS-55 the MK-92 radar was in use for radar nav.
0800 - Pilot on bridge, asked ship to come right to 020 0800 - Pilot on bridge, asked ship to come right to 020. He later explained that this was to offset effects of westerly current. However, review of references and other sources indicated that negligible set and drift was the norm. CO directed the course change to 020 be made, then pilot, CO and Conning Officer moved to starboard bridge wing. Bridge members later described pilot as “disheveled and inattentive.” Pilot mentioned to CO that he had been up all night assisting two other ships. CO stated that the pilot did not appear unduly tired. ~ 0806 - After making course change to 020, CO noted that the ship was right of range.
0808 - Navigation Evaluator holds ship 75 yards right of track and tracking to the right. OOD and Conn hold ship visually right of the range. The Ops officer, although not on watch, was in CIC and observed a more than normal level of concern at the plotting table. He went to the plotting table to assess the situation.
0811 - Based on 0810 fix, Nav Evaluator holds ship 90 yards right and recommends 011. The CO discussed this with the pilot who stated words to the effect, “That’s the second time I have told you not to steer that way.” The CO directed the Conning officer to remain on 020. CIC reports the ship 225 yards right of track and recommends 000. OPS officer goes to bridge. He gets Navigator’s (XO) attention and states that CIC held the ship continually tracking to the right and that error might be due to unfamiliarity with using the MK 92 for navigation. Nav evaluator tells Ops he holds ship right of range but that ship apparently is not using the range.
0813 - After reviewing the 0812 fix the Navigation Evaluator noted the ship was 175 yards right of track, with corresponding decrease in fathometer reading. CIC made full navigation report including that they held the ship 225 yards right of track and recommended 000 to regain track. CIC Piloting officer verified that the phone talker had passed this report to the bridge.
0814 - CO Confers with Pilot about Navigation fix and then orders Conn to come left to 015. After plotting the 0814 fix, the Navigator in a loud and urgent tone recommends, “Hard left Rudder, Engine Back Full.” CO asks, “Why? Are we in trouble?” Navigator: “Something doesn’t look right.” Pilot: “Ship should not be steered to the left.” CO to Conn: “Take the Navigator’s recommendation.” Conn: “Hard left, back Full!” 0815 - Ship Grounds. Position is more than 400 yards right of track. Pilot looks at chart and asked how the ship had gotten that far to the right.