Surprise, You've Been Flocked! This Flock of Pink Flamingos has gathered in your office to roost. In case you did not know this, Pink Flamingos are very territorial, and unless they are placed in someone else's office, they will roost in your office for a very long time. Removal of this Flock of flock should be attempted only by trained professionals. Fortunately, our Pink Flamingo Removal Technicians are highly skilled. Please check the options below that apply and we will send a team out to remove these pesky, but very loveable, pink birds: [_] I appreciate the flocking but am not able to donate at this time. [_] I will make a generous donation of $_________ toward the removal of the flock. [_] In addition to the above donation, I would like to suggest the following person in our office as the next surprise flocking victim. Name: Location: Our group is working hard to raise funds for the United Way of Treasure Valley Community Fund to benefit local children and families in need. We hope that you've enjoyed this surprise flocking and appreciate the spirit and good will with which it was intended. Please call the individual below to arrange to have your Flock removed: Name: Phone and email:
Flamingo Flocking Work Order In exchange for the generous donation of to the United Way of Treasure Valley Community Fund a Surprise Pink Flamingo Flocking shall occur in the office of your coworker listed below. A Flamingo Flocking ransom note shall be left at the property in order to solicit a donation from the victim for removal of the flock. The ransom note shall identify the person who purchased the surprise flocking unless they wish to remain anonymous. The Flockor (Purchaser of the Surprise Flocking) wishes to remain anonymous: _____ Yes _____No Flockor Information (Individual purchasing surprise flocking) Name____________________________________________________________ ________ Address___________________________________________________________ _______ Phone____________________________________________________________ _______ Flockee Information (Individual receiving surprise flocking) Name _________________________________________________________________ _ Address___________________________________________________________ ______ Phone____________________________________________________________ ______ Additional Notes or Comments: