Veterinary Education Regulations VCI-Minimum standard of Veterinary Education Degree course (B V Sc & A H) regulations
Implemented from – 2009 Session. Each Academic year shall consist of 200 days of instructions, excluding days of examination
B V Sc & A H Curriculum Six components Core courses Tracking Progamme Study circles Entrepreneurial Training Internship & Competence in skills
Core courses 177 Credit Hours ( ) RVC/ NCC NSS NSO
Semester–Wise Distribution of Credit load Professional year SemesterTheoryPracticalTotal FirstI11718 II12820* SecondIII12921* IV12921 ThirdV12719 VI13821 FourthVII10 20 VIII10818** FifthIX91019 Total *1credit (0+1) each for two courses on livestock Farm Practice (non credit) included. **1credit (1+0) for Veterinarian in Society (non credit) included.
Tracking Programme Aimed at motivating for self learning in virtual class room, distant learning etc. A student has to take any two programmes of two credits (2 x2=4) of one semester duration each. Non-credit course, to be graded as A - Excellent, B- Good, C- Average.
Tracking Programme i.Feline Medicine ii.Cryobiology of gametes iii.Neurosciences iv.Clinical/Interventional Science v.Dermatology/Integument Science vi.Alternate Veterinary Medicine vii.Ophthalmology viii.Anesthesiology ix.Small Animal Critical Care x.Non-Mammalian Medicine xi.Drug designing xii.Sheep & Goat Medicine xiii.Fish Diseases xiv.Zoo & wild Animal Management
Study circles Each student has to enroll for any two study circles. Study Circle Advisor shall guide, to develop & Present a Seminar on notified date. Non-credit course, to be graded as A - Excellent, B- Good, C- Average.
Study circles i.Live stock And Livelihood Study Circle ii.Production System Study Circle iii.Ecosystem and Livestock Study Circle iv.Equine Study Circle v.Canine Study Circle vi.Diagnostic Study Circle vii.Alternate Animal Use Study Circle viii.Fun/Sport Animal Study Circle ix.Law and Veterinary Science Study Circle
Entrepreneurial Training Aimed at developing entrepreneurial Skills. A batch of 5 students to be assigned a production unit with monetary support from revolving fund. Profit/loss shall be shared by group of students. All accounting etc too has to be carried out by students themselves.
Entrepreneurial Training i.Broiler and Egg Production ii. Meat Production and Processing iii.Fish Production iv.Feed production – Mineral mixture v.Pharmaceutical Formulations vi.Milk Products vii.Pet Production
Schedule of Non Credit Courses YearSemesterCourses First & SecondI & II NCC/RVC/NSS/ NSO ThirdI Tracking Prog. II Study Circle FourthI - Tracking Prog. - Entrepreneurial Training II Study Circle
Internship Prior to registration for Internship, all the Core courses NCC/NSS/RVC/NSO Tracking Progamme Study circles Entrepreneurial Training Six Months Rotational compulsory Internship. –Clinical Departments –Production Departments –Livestock Farms –Veterinary Hospitals.
Competence in skills Based on complete course curriculum of Degree programme For details See Page 106 of document
Examinations A student is required to secure 50% marks in theory as well as practical in each examination. Weightage of theory & Practical shall be in ration of 60 : 40 in both internal and external exams.
Make up Examination rules For Internal Exam. Only Due to Hospitalization, demise of Family member, Interview of SSB, Govt organization etc. Apply with in three days of conduct of examination to Head of concerned Department through respective Advisor. No make up for external examinations.
Promotion and Failure A student should secure over all grade point average (*OGPA) of 5.00 out of at the end of degree to be eligible to get B V Sc & A H. Failed students shall register again for the entire professional year. A student failing 3 consecutive years in a professional year of B V Sc & A H shall be dropped automatically.
Compartment Examination A student failing in maximum of two papers only may be allowed once to appear in compartment examinations for those paper(s). Compartment examination shall comprise of the external component of both the theory and practical of the failed paper(s), which shall constitute the 100% weightage for that Paper(s) and the marks of internal examination shall not be considered for the evaluation of Compartment Examination.
Compartment Examination The compartment examinations shall be conducted within 20 calendar days after the date the results of concerned professional year examination declared. The results of such compartment examination shall be declared within 5 days after the examination is conducted. In case of failure of any of the compartment paper (s), the student will be reverted back to the previous professional year and will be required to repeat all the requirement of that failed Professional year, as a fresh year.
There shall be no provision for grace marks in any case.
Grades & Grading –8.000 and above - first division with distinction –7.000 to first Division –6.000 to Second Division –5.000 to Pass