Essentials Online Course Intel® Teach Program Essentials Online Course
Welcome and Introductions LEA Coordinator introduction and welcome Facilitator introduction and welcome Master Teacher candidate introductions will take place in Module 1 Housekeeping and logistics <add any information about credits, snacks/lunch, and so forth localized for your area>
Agenda Review Orientation Module Complete Module 1 Complete Module 2 Begin Module 3 Prepare for Online For Master Teacher Candidates Preview Facilitation Guide Complete Learning to Facilitate Prepare and Manage Your Course Introduce Customer Support Process Add daily agenda according to your schedule.
Course Focus The themes of the Essentials Course include: Using technology effectively in the classroom to promote 21st century skills Creating curricular units and assessments, which address state and national academic and technology standards Facilitating student-centered classrooms that encourage student self-direction and higher-order thinking Collaborating with colleagues to improve instruction by problem solving and participating in peer reviews of units
Outcomes Unit Portfolio Teachers create a complete unit portfolio composed of the following: Publication on PBL Gauging Student Needs Assessment Unit Portfolio Presentation Student Sample Assessment Plan Student Sample Assessment Assessments to Foster Self-Direction Unit Support Documents Unit Plan Teachers give and receive feedback on the Unit Portfolio components. Aligns to standards Focuses student work through the use of Curriculum-Framing Questions Includes Assessment Timeline to note ongoing assessment Provides differentiation strategies to support all learners
Master Teacher Expectations Attend all 14 hours of the face-to-face portion of the training Complete 46 hours of activities and discussions in the online portion of the training Follow the published schedule for completing milestones in each module Complete Master Teacher Milestones Complete Master Teacher Self-Reflection survey Participate actively in discussions and online group work with multiple online sessions each week Complete an online evaluation of the course
Facilitator Role Complete the same activities required of a Participant Teacher Learn how to facilitate the course Recruit Participant Teachers Send registration information, order, and distribute curricular materials Set up training logistics – ensure lab is prepped and ready Train at least 10 Participant Teachers Begin Participant Teacher training no more than twelve months after completing Master Teacher training Follow one of the sample schedules Spend six to eight hours facilitating the online portion of the course Assist in evaluation and follow-up reports
LEA/ITA Roles Provide a central contact to administer and maintain the program Provide training labs that meet minimum specs Provide release time and substitute costs for MT training(s) Help recruit Participant Teachers and student assistants Provide Participant Teachers with access to prerequisite basic computer skills training (if needed) Ensure each teacher has one networked PC or Apple Macintosh* in their classroom with software and Internet access Register participants online and send message with log in information to Master Teacher
Orientation Module Enter the online course: <insert URL> Select the course: <insert name> Review Orientation work and feedback How are you feeling at this point in the training? Reflect on experiences with online learning Initial thoughts on facilitating an online course Online netiquette
Review of the Online Course Page Review Home Page Features: Chat Rooms Messaging (will experience in the first activity in Module 1) Profiles Announcements and Activity Schedule My Links FAQ My Courses Review of Tab Structure Lounge Tab--Teacher’s Lounge Sharing tab Resources Tab My Work Tab Essentials Tab Course Wiki Tab Facilitation Tab Make sure participants know how to use the messaging and how to access the profiles as they need this in the first activity of Module 1. They will need to know how to use it independently.
Module Structure Overview Facilitator Corner Facilitation Tips Module Objectives and Questions Pair and Share Pedagogical Practice Discussions Activities Wrap Up Planning Ahead Show these features from within the course.
Experiencing the Content Think about the following: Module 1: Teaching with Projects Activity 1, Step 2 Prompts for Face-to-Face Discussion Experiencing the Content Think about the following: Which topics interest you the most? Which topics will be the most challenging for you? Participate in a discussion with the whole group.
Creating a Portfolio Folder Module 1: Teaching with Projects Activity 1, Step 3 Help Guide and CD Resources Creating a Portfolio Folder Introducing the Intel® Education Help Guide Resource includes step-by-step directions for how to complete technical skills Provides technical instructions for Microsoft Office 2000*, XP*, and 2003* Microsoft Office 2004 for Macintosh* Provides support for various operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000* and XP* Macintosh OS X 10.4.X* Locate other resources on CD and Resource Tab
Unit Plan Template Discussion Module 1: Teaching with Projects Activity 1, Step 4 Prompts for Face-to-Face Discussion Unit Plan Template Discussion What questions do you have about the structure or contents of the template? What are the advantages and challenges of using the template?
Facilitation tab Facilitation Review Go to My Courses Sign in to the Essentials Online with Facilitation course Review tab Structure Learning to Facilitate Section 1: Considering My Roles Section 2: Exploring Communication
Module 1: Teaching with Projects Activity 3, Step 2 Multiple Windows Demonstration How can you open, resize, and view multiple windows in the online environment? Make sure you click the Submit button any time you are finished entering information.
Researching Project-Based Learning Module 1: Teaching with Projects Activity 4, Step 2 Tagging and Social Bookmarking Researching Project-Based Learning Register for an online tagging/bookmarking site Register for an account at: [enter URL, such as] Example instructions: Go to My Tools. Right-click on the Diigolet icon for your browser type. For Internet Explorer*: Add to favorites… Put in Links folder. For Mozilla Firefox*: Bookmark This Link… Put in Bookmarks Folder. Use diigolet bookmarklet to highlight, bookmark, add sticky notes, and forward your favorite Web sites. Although diigo is a recommended site, you can edit this page to provide instructions to use another bookmarking/tagging Web site. A list of sites is available in the Resources tab > Collaboration link. You also may need to edit these instructions if your teachers are using a different browser than the ones listed.
Feedback on Module 1 What questions do you have about our class or your individual blog? What do you think of your hybrid online learning experience so far? Positive Comments Concerns Questions Your comfort level with the course so far
Course design and structure Where We Were Orientation Module Topics: Course design and structure Key Activities: Explore the course schedule and course features Check available software applications Complete an online profile and learn about the course community Review a sample unit plan and develop topic ideas for own unit plan Participate in a discussion using the Course Blog Complete the Orientation Survey
Module 1: Teaching with Projects Where We Were Module 1: Teaching with Projects Topics: Project-based learning and unit design Key Activities: Review portfolio components Create a publication on projects Identify 21st century skills for your unit Develop initial unit ideas Reflect on learning in your blog Do not read everything on slide. Highlight a few from each module. Participants can read in more detail on their own.
Module 2: Planning My Unit Where We Are Key Activities: Identify standards for your unit Create learning objectives Create Curriculum-Framing Questions Research effective assessment strategies Draft Assessment Timeline Create assessment to gauge student needs Create Unit Portfolio Presentation Reflect on learning in your blog Topics: Curriculum-Framing Questions and student-centered assessment Module 2: Planning My Unit
Where We Are Going Face-to-Face Module 3: Making Connections Two activities during face-to-face Facilitation tab Online Complete remaining activities online Module 4: Creating Samples of Learning Project outcomes from a student perspective Module 5: Assessing Student Projects Formative and summative assessment Module 6: Planning for Student Success Student support and self-direction Module 7: Facilitating with Technology Teacher as facilitator Module 8: Showcasing Unit Portfolios Sharing learning
Module 2: Planning My Unit Activity 1 Addressing Standards What does backwards design mean to you? How is your district addressing 21st century learning?
Register for the online collaborative Web site Module 2: Planning My Unit Activity 2 Step 1: Curriculum-Framing Questions Register for the online collaborative Web site <> What new insights do you have after working with Curriculum-Framing Questions? What were the benefits and challenges of using the online collaborative Web site?
Module 2: Planning My Unit Activity 4 Step 2: Planning My Assessment Discuss initial plans and purposes for your assessments What kind of information do you need to gather from your students to better understand their learning needs? How will you collect it? How can your Essential and Unit Questions be used for gauging student needs? In what ways can you gather information about your students’ higher-order thinking and 21st1 century skills related to this unit? How will you use the information you collect?
Module 2: Planning My Unit Activity 6 Pedagogical Practice Get into your assigned groups. Note the question assigned to your group: How do I ensure that students meet standards—and meet enough of them to make the effort worthwhile—in open-ended activities and projects? If students are in charge of their own learning, how will we be sure they learn what is important? How do I ensure accountability when students are working in groups?
Feedback on Module 2 What questions do you have about our class or your individual blog? What do you think of your hybrid online learning experience so far? Positive Comments Concerns Questions Your comfort level with the course so far
Course design and structure Where We Were Orientation Module Topics: Course design and structure Key Activities: Explore the course schedule and course features Check available software applications Complete an online profile and learn about the course community Review a sample unit plan and develop topic ideas for own unit plan Participate in a discussion using the Course Blog Complete the Orientation Survey
Module 1: Teaching with Projects Where We Were Module 1: Teaching with Projects Topics: Project-based learning and unit design Key Activities: Review portfolio components Create a publication on projects Identify 21st century skills for your unit Develop initial unit ideas Reflect on learning in your blog Do not read everything on slide. Highlight a few from each module. Participants can read in more detail on their own.
Module 2: Planning My Unit Where We Were Key Activities: Identify standards for your unit Create learning objectives Create Curriculum-Framing Questions Research effective assessment strategies Draft Assessment Timeline Create assessment to gauge student needs Create Unit Portfolio Presentation Reflect on learning in your blog Topics: Curriculum-Framing Questions and student-centered assessment Module 2: Planning My Unit
Module 3: Making Connection Where We Are Key Activities: Pair and Share Prepare for Online The rest are completed after the face-to-face Topics: The Internet to support teaching and learning Module 3: Making Connection
Where We Are Going—Online Module 3: Making Connections Finish online Module 4: Creating Samples of Learning Project outcomes from a student perspective Module 5: Assessing Student Projects Formative and summative assessment Module 6: Planning for Student Success Student support and self-direction Module 7: Facilitating with Technology Teacher as facilitator Module 8: Showcasing Unit Portfolios Sharing learning
Read the Announcements for important information Module 3: Making Connections Activity 1 Transitioning to Complete Online Read the Announcements for important information Read the Facilitator Corner for the activities first Check the course schedule Schedule Chat Room discussions if desired Use the Discussion Checklist to assess your discussions Complete End of Module Surveys and Course Progress Register for Assessing Projects: Plan a schedule
Facilitation tab Facilitation Review Sign in to Essentials Online with Facilitation course Review Facilitation Guide Explore Sections 1-6 Review Section 7 Practice with Features in the Manage Training Task Lists
End of Face-to-Face Training Feedback Positive comments Concerns Questions Your comfort level with the course so far Participant Teacher training information Customer support Co-facilitator model
Programs of the Intel® Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation. Copyright © 2007 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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Introducing the Intel® Teach Essentials Online Course The Goal of Our Course To help teachers use the power of computer technology to spark student imagination and ultimately move students toward greater learning Throughout the course, you encounter questions asking how your students can best use computers to enhance learning. The guiding question for the entire course is: How can technology be used most effectively to support and assess student learning? Our Goal for You The creation of a Unit Portfolio that you can implement in your classroom—a unit that allows you to raise the level of excellence in your classroom and meet important learning objectives and 21st century skills
Considering My Role as Curriculum Designer During this course, you design and develop resources for a unit of study that you teach. The unit may range in length from a couple weeks to several months, but it should encompass a key area of study in your curriculum. Your Unit Portfolio is developed throughout the course's eight modules.