Multiplicative Comparison Unit of Study: Understanding Multiplication and Division Global Concept Guide: 5 of 7
Content Development Approximately 2 days should be spent on students developing an understanding multiplicative comparisons. Multiplicative comparison problems involve the comparison of two quantities in which one is described in terms of the other. Additionally, the operation required to solve these problems may be either multiplication or division. For Example: Adam is 5 years old. Scott is 3 times as old as Adam. How old is Scott? Students should have multiple opportunities to directly model problem situations using a variety of manipulatives. There are no Go Math! Resources for multiplicative comparison problems. Please use the problems linked on the GCG.
Day 1 – Day 2 The focus of day 1 and 2 is understanding multiplicative comparisons using manipulatives. By day 2, students should be using less manipulatives and be working on drawing pictures and/or writing equations. Be sure to include examples such as: Derin is 12 years old. She is 4 times as old as Adam. How old is Adam? And others from the problem structures below. Larger Unknown Smaller Unknown Multiplier Unknown A blue hat costs $B. A red hat costs A times as much as the blue hat. How much does the red hat cost? A red had costs $C and that is A times as much as a blue hat costs. How much does a blue hat cost? A red hat costs $C and a blue hat costs $B. How many times as much does the red hat cost as the blue hat?
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention For Reteach, use Reteach Page from 4th Grade Go Math! For Enrich, use Share and Show (p. 69) and Problem Solving (p.70) pages from 4th Grade Go Math!