ESF 2007 – 2013 in AUSTRIA
ESF in Austria 2007-2013 2 ESF-Operational Programmes total budget € 524 Mio. OP Employment: € 472 Mio. „Phasing Out“ Burgenland: € 52 Mio.
ESF Structure I.
European Commission
Dual Approach in all priorities of the ESF-OPs Gender Mainstreaming / Gender Budgeting - horizontal goal & Gender sensitive actions (2000-2006 – external support to implement GM throughout the programming, implemenation, monitoring and evaluation phase)
Gender Mainstreaming / Gender Budgeting 50 % of beneficiaries to be women 50 % of ESF resource expended to benefit women
Gender sensitive actions The OP does not contain an explicit gender equality priority But each priority should implement gender sensitive actions
Horizontal approach – Gender Mainstreaming Programming (OP) Implementation (project-level) Monitoring (indicators) Evaluation (effects – equal pay?)
Working group of the monitoring committee Gender Equality Learning and change – a process that needs strong active steering and support Knowlegde and know-how Active ownership an dedicated practitioners Steering and monitoring Evaluation and feedback Budget
Gender Equality 2014-2020 – ESF-OP Dual approach into all phases of the ESF cycle (analysis, strategy, implementation, operationalisation, monitoring and evaluation) based on gender-segregated data and with a clear connection to the EU Gender Equality strategy 2010-2015 Gender Equality – an holistic approach is necessary – ensuring a „red thread“ in policy to results and evaluation Permanent supporting structures to implement Gender Equality Know-how, training and exchange On-going reporting of Gender Equality subjects in the Monitoring Committee Integration of GE into all annual reports. Gender Budgeting (50/50) and GE resources
Thank you for your attention! Uli Rebhandl BMASK, Unit VI/INT/9