Special Issue of the IEEE TGRS on “Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments”: 03 January 2019 Outline Agenda 2018 GSICS Annual Meeting Shanghai, China 19-23 March 2018 30 January 2018
Agenda of web meeting Planning Agenda for meeting Outline agenda Topics for Plenary Discussions Parallel sessions Mini Conference (# of presentations) Chairing : Session chairs Minute Taking Agree minute takers Decide minute taking technology Logistics Lunches Group Dinner Registration Recommended Hotel Transport options Remote access
Outline of Agenda Monday (day-1) : Start time 09:00 Tuesday (day-2) : AM: “Mini Conference” PM: Plenary (Agency Reports) Reception? SITP tour? Tuesday (day-2) : AM: Plenary (Subgroup Reports) PM: Plenary (GRWG and GDWG) Working Group Reception? Wednesday (day-3): GRWG+GDWG AM: parallel session? (IR + UV-Subgroup) PM: IR session Thursday (day-4) : GRWG+GDWG AM: VIS/NIR session PM: Lunar calibration + MW session Friday (day-5) : End time 16:00 AM: Cross-cutting issues, GRWG & GDWG wrap-up PM: Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings
Outlook of Agenda AM PM Monday (19 March) Tuesday (20 March) Wednesday Thursday (22 March) Friday (23 March) AM “Mini Conference” Peng Zhang Plenary: Subgroup Reports Scott Hu Parallel Session (IRSG vs. UVSG) Tim Hewison Rose Munro GDWG Masaya Takahashi VIS/NIR Dave Doelling Peter Miu Cross-cutting & wrap-up Larry Flynn PM Plenary: Agency Reports Dohy Kim Plenary: (GRWG + GDWG) IRSG Ashim Mitra LunarCal Tom Stone Reporting Outcomes & Planning Future Meetings MWSG? Ralph Ferrero ETC SITP tour? Reception? Working Groups’ Reception?
Monday (day-1) Mon am Mini Conference Chair: Peng Zhang 8:45 Coffee and Registration 9:00 Dohyeong Kim KMA Introduction to Mini Conference & GSICS 1a 0:15 9:15 ?? SITP? Welcome to SITP 1b 0:10 9:25 Peng Zang? CMA Agenda, Announcements, etc 1c 9:35 Peng Zang Latest progress of CMA FY-3D and FY-4 satellite 1d 0:20 9:55 Lei Din SITP Development of SI-traceable Hyperspectral FTIR instrument 1e 10:15 Xiuqing Hu FY-4A L1 Products validation based on CMA GSICS platform 1f 10:35 Coffee break 10:55 Na Xu Post-launch test progress of FY-3D MERSI-II 1g 11:15 Cao Changyong/Lin lin NOAA NOAA-20 Imager/Sounder SDR Maturity and Collaboration with FY3D through GSICS 1h 11:35 Feng Jiang Solar band SI-traceable demonstration 1i 11:55 Yanmeng Bi/Zhongdong Yang Tansat/ACGS inflight calibration and validation 1j 12:15 Dekui Yin/Yipeng Zhang TG-2 Multi-Angle Polarization Imager Calibration and evaluation 1k 12:35 Lunch Break 1:00 Mon pm Plenary - Reports Chair: Dohyeong Kim 13:35 All Round Table Introductions + Logistics Info 13:55 Agree Agenda & Minute Taking 2a 14:10 CMA Agency Report 2b 14:30 CNES CNES Agency Report 14:50 EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Agency Report 15:10 IMD IMD Agency Report 15:30 ISRO ISRO Agency Report 15:50 0:30 16:20 JAXA JAXA Agency Report 16:40 Masaya Takahashi JMA JMA Agency Report 17:00 KMA Agency Report 17:20 NASA NASA Agency Report 17:40 NIST NIST Agency Report 18:00 NOAA Agency Report 18:20 ROSCOMSMOS ROSCOSMOS Agency Report 18:40 ROSHYDROMET ROSHYDROMET Agency Report 19:00 USGS USGS Agency Report 19:20 Reception ?? 2:00 21:20 END
CMA’s presentations by Scott Yuan Li CMA New BRDF Model in Dunhuang field campaign for Vicarious calibration/validation VNIR Ling Wang Consistent calibration of VIRRs onboard on FY-3A to 3C VNIR? Calibration monitoring based on Tibet glaciers Hanlie Xu Interband calibration development using Sunglint Na Xu FY-3D/MERSI-II calibration/validation Yang Wang Lunar model validation using ground-based hyperspectral measurement Lunar Ronghua Wu Interband calibration for atmosphere absorption bands based on Lunar observation Lu Zhang Lunar Simultaneous observation intercomparison from FY-3D and ground-based Houmao Wang NSSC FY-3/TOU intercalibration with GOME-2 and OMPS for solar diffuser correction UV Tansat/CAPI calibration and evaluation UV? Kibum Ahn KIOST GOCI-II lunar calibration and MTF plan lunar Mina Kang Ewha Woman’s Univ. High resolution reference solar spectrum for GEMS UV
Working Groups' Reception ?? Tuesday (day-2) Tues am Plenary - Reports Chair: Scott Hu 8:30 Larry Flynn NOAA GCC Report 3a 0:40 9:10 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Report 3b 0:20 9:30 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Report 3c 0:30 10:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT GRWG IR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3d 10:20 Dave Doelling NASA GRWG VIS-NIR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3e 10:40 Coffee break 11:10 Rose Munro GRWG UV Sub-Group Briefing Report 3f 11:30 Ralph Ferraro GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Briefing Report 3g 11:50 All Discussion 3h 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 Tues pm Plenary Briefings Chair: Tim Hewison 13:10 CMA Advanced next-gen GEO imagers/sounders - FY-4A 13:30 Advanced next-gen GEO imagers - GOES-16 13:50 Likun Wang NOAA-20 CrIS calibration status and preliminary differences between SNPP and NOAA-20 CrIS 14:10 Sebastien Wagner? A straw-man on the requirement for the GSICS plotting tool 14:40 Tim Hewison? Further evolution of the Prime GSICS Correction concept 15:10 15:40 EUMETSAT? Update on FIDUCEO to address inter-calibration requirements and formats 16:10 Rob GEO-Ring database 16:30 Ken Knapp - users 16:50 All? - analysis, RGB composites, ... 17:10 FIDUCEO update 17:30 CLARREO update 17:50 Traceable Hyperspectral Reference Workshop 18:10 Discussion on Actions from GSICS-EP-18 18:30 END 19:00 Working Groups' Reception ?? 02:00
Wednesday (day-3) Parallel Session: GDWG + IR SG + UV SG Wed am GRWG: IR Sub-Group GEO IR Imagers - Chair: Tim Hewison 8:30 All 5min each - GEO-LEO IR Product Progress 0:30 9:00 Yusuke Yogo JMA - Type-B uncertainty analysis of AHI-AIRS/CrIS 0:20 9:20 Fangfang Yu? NOAA - accounting for diurnal var. 9:40 - GEO-GEO comparisons 10:00 Dohyeong? KMA - accounting for seasonal var. 10:20 Hui Xu - Gap Filling (PCA Compression) 10:40 Likun Wang - Collocation Method 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 IR Sounders - Chair: Tim Hewison ISRO/NOAA? Broadband GEO Sounders 11:50 Hanlie Xu CMA GIIRS and HIRAS Hyperspectral instrument evaluation for FY-4A and FY-3D 12:10 Na Xu Inflight SRF retrieval based on hyperspectral reference instrument 12:30 LEO IR Imagers Alessandro/Igor EUM - SLSTR-IASI 12:50 Aisheng Wu? NASA - VIIRS/MODIS 13:10 Lunch Break 1:00 Wed pm Reference Migration - Chair: Tim Hewison 14:10 Chengli Qi - HIRAS calibration algorithm and uncertainty budget & non-linearity 14:30 Dorothee - Roll-out changes to IASI Processing 14:50 Tim + Rob - Prime GSICS Correction + FIDUCEO feedback 15:10 Tim - Blind Blend Concept 15:30 Authors - IRRefUTable Report 0:40 16:10 16:40 Hyperspectral Best Practice 17:10 Chengli Qi? Pre-launch characterisation + workshop? 17:30 Tim Trent U. Leicester Inter-calibration Algorithm Development 17:50 Likun+Tim IR Sub-Group activities & leaders 18:10 END Parallel Session: GDWG + IR SG + UV SG
Parallel Session: GDWG + IR SG + UV SG Wednesday (day-3) Wed AM GRWG: UV Sub-Group Chair : Rose Munro 8:30 0:20 8:50 9:10 9:30 9:50 10:10 Coffee break 0:30 10:40 11:00 11:20 Total time : hours Reference Solar Spectrum Match-ups and Target Sites Cross-calibration below 300nm White Paper on Ground-based Characterisation of UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectrometers Add CMA, Ewha univ.(Korea) presentations, and so on Parallel Session: GDWG + IR SG + UV SG
Chair: Masaya Takahashi Parallel Session: GDWG + IR SG + UV SG Wednesday (day-3) Wed am GDWG Chair: Masaya Takahashi 8:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Action Reviews 00:20 8:50 Jin Wu KMA GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures 00:40 9:30 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GSICS Collaboration GSICS servers, configuration, products meta-data pages and data access services. 0:30 10:00 Coffee break 10:30 Thomas Xu? CMA Cont. 11:00 Manik Bali? NOAA 11:30 ?? ISRO? ISRO GSICS collaboration server? 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00 Wed pm Chair: Ashim Mitra 13:00 Updating GSICS Plotting Tool to support VIS/NIR products 14:00 Jin Woo Use of GitHub for GSICS developments 14:30 15:00 Manik Balli? New GSICS product convention - MW? 16:00 Rob Roebeling? Event logging 17:00 END Parallel Session: GDWG + IR SG + UV SG
GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Thursday (day-4) Thurs am GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Chair: Dave Doelling 8:30 0:20 8:50 9:10 9:30 9:50 10:10 Coffee break 0:30 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 0:10 11:50 12:00 12:30 Lunch Break 1:00 Thurs pm Chair: Tom Stone 13:30 outcome of the Lunar calibration workshop 13:50 Update on the GIRO benchmark 14:10 14:30 14:40 15:00 15:20 Coffee break 15:50 16:00 MW Sub-Group 16:10 16:30 16:50 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 18:30 18:50 END
Topics for GRWG (VIS/NIR) THU(day-4) Dave Doelling Migrate to NPP-VIIRS as the calibration reference. Use NASA-LandPEATE V2, with VCST updates (Xiong) Update on the JPSS-1 VIIRS instrument performance (launched Nov 18, 2017). DCC SWIR BRDFs for stability analysis of both VIIRS and GEOs. GEO domain DCC invariant target uncertainty to transfer the VIIRS absolute calibration for VIS/NIR and SWIR bands. SBAF tool progress on GOME-2, Hyperion, AIRS and discussion for new requirements. Agency updates on DCC calibration and newly launched GEO visible imager performance. Discussion of GSICS recommended observations or requirements for the CLARREO Pathfinder Mission in 2022. Pathfinder not required to perform benchmark sampling, but devoted to inter-calibration as its prime mission. Discussion with UV group: Solar spectra, would like to create a link on the GSICS page with the recommended solar spectra. Discussion of visible plotting tool, path to operational DCC products, and writing of DCC paper, and other topics such as new visible methods and combining lunar and DCC. Total Time : hours
Topics for GRWG (VIS/NIR) THU(day-4) Tom Stone Lunar Inter-Calibration Summary and outcome of the 2nd Joint GSICS/IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop (1 talk) Traceability of the GIRO to the ROLO using the GIRO benchmark (report on the progress) (1 talk) Update on the inter-calibration using the Moon Using the Moon for inter-band calibration Progress from the various agencies (developments / data preparation / new datasets). Alternative use of lunar images (post-launch characterisation of the MTFs) Discussion items (evolution of the GLOD, how to coordinate activities with IVOS (MTF for instance)) Total Time : hours
Thursday (day-4) Thu pm GRWG: MW Chair : Ralph Ferraro 16:00 NOAA Introduction and Action Item/Discussion 0:30 16:30 Shenli Wu CMA Development of FY-3/MWRI Calibration on warm/cold targets and reflector emissivity 17:00 Introduction: Radio Occultation as a MW standard/calibration source 0:15 17:15 Xiaolei Zou Univ. Maryland Mutual Validations of Observations between lifetime S-NPP ATMS and GPS ROs from COSMIC, MetOp and KOMPSAT 17:45 Scott Hu FY-3/GNOS (Title TBD) 18:15 ALL RO Discussion 0:20 18:35 BREAK 18:55 Hu Yang Developing Vicarious Calibration from Microwave Sounding Instrument using Lunar Radiation 19:15 Martin Burgdorf Hamburg Univ. In-Orbit Verification of Channel Uniformity with the Moon 19:35 Rachel Kroodsma GPM X-Cal (Title TBD) 19:55 Manik Bali, etc. Proposed Best Practices 0:35 20:30 SESSION ENDS
Chair: Masaya Takahashi Thursday (day-4) Thurs am GDWG Chair: Peter Miu 9:00 Manik Bali Action Tracking 1:00 10:00 ?? TBD 11:00 Coffee break 0:30 11:30 12:00 Lunch Break Thurs pm Chair: Masaya Takahashi 13:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT ToR - GDWG Chairing 14:00 GDWG Collaboration - Future 14:30 15:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA Drafting a template for each agency's GSICS Annual Report 15:30 GDWG fact sheet - information presentation 16:00 All Wrap-up: Plan activities for 2018/2019 17:00 END
Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs Friday (day-5) Fri am Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs Chair: Larry Flynn 8:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA Drafting a template for each agency's GSICS Annual Report 0:30 9:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GDWG Summary & Agree Actions 9:30 Wrap-up requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool and implementation plan 10:00 Manik GCC Updates of Action Tracking Tool 10:30 Coffee break 0:20 10:50 11:20 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Summary & Agree Actions 11:50 Lunch Break 1:00 Fri pm Plenary - Wrap-up Chair: Tim Hewison 12:50 Dave Doelling NASA The role of inter-calibration in the future climate observing system (GCOS v2) 13:20 13:30 0:45 14:15 All Topics & Chairing next Web Meetings 14:35 Date & Place of Next WG Meetings 14:55 Any Other Business 15:40 END
Guideline for presentation 03/01/2019 Guideline for presentation Now down to the Work part of the Working Group meeting! Focus on the development of GSICS Products Mostly items assigned 20 minute slots But this includes discussion time! So please keep presentations brief and to the point Presentations will be uploaded to the GSICS Wiki Unless you tell me not to Can include more background information Please follow file naming convention: 1a_Hewison_Introduction.pptx/pdf/ppt
Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using ZoHo Sheet 03/01/2019 Agenda The Detailed Agenda was prepared using ZoHo Sheet With hyperlinks added to presentations uploaded on Wiki Exported as HTML and embedded into GSICS Wiki: http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20180319
03/01/2019 Minute Taking Minutes on ZoHo Doc will be updated during the meeting period Anyone can access, but need invitations to edit Meeting participants will be invited by GDWG Chair Please provide short summary of each talk by end of the meeting Directly put it to ZoHo Doc, or send to the minutes taker + GRWG/GDWD chairs Minute Taker should write Actions in Bold, Precede with word ACTION: Will number (e.g. A.GIR.2018.4a.2) later Will review new actions on Friday morning GCC to enter into action tracking tool (GSICS Operations Plan?)
Minute Takers Session Chair Minute Taker 1: Plenary – Mini Conference 03/01/2019 Minute Takers Session Chair Minute Taker 1: Plenary – Mini Conference Day-1-AM Peng Zhang 2: Plenary – Agencies Reports Day-1-PM Dohy Kim 2: Plenary – Chairs Reports Day-2-AM Scott Hu 3: GRWG+GDWG plenary Day-2-PM Tim Hewison 4: GRWG – UV subgroup Day-3-AM Rose Munro 5: GRWG – IR Sub-Group Day-3 6: GRWG – VIS/NIR (1) Day-4-AM Dave Doelling 6: GRWG – VIS/NIR (2) Day-4-PM Tom Stone 7: GRWG – Microwave Sub-Group Ralph Ferraro 8: GDWG Day-4 Masaya/Ashim Peter/Masaya 9: Plenary – Cross cutting issue Day-5-AM Larry Flynn 9: Plenary – Wrap-up Day-5-PM
03/01/2019 Any Other Business? GRWG Chairing
GRWG Chairing GRWG Chairing : three years (renewable) Chair : Dohyeong Kim (KMA), 2015. 6 (approved by EP-16) ~ 2018. 6 (EP-19) Vice-Chair : Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT), Scott Hu (CMA) Need to reduce the Honeymoon period ToR of the GRWG chair: Coordinate the development of inter-calibration products and methodologies, and related scientific issues, with delegation to Sub-Groups as appropriate, with a view to promote common standards and best practices ensuring comparability of satellite measurements; Schedule and chair the GRWG session and plenary session of the annual GRWG-GDWG meeting and monthly web meetings, acting as moderator. In coordination with GDWG and Sub-Group Chairs, define agenda, approve invitation of non-members, agree conclusions, actions and recommendations from the meetings, and organize their follow up; Represent the GRWG with external parties as necessary, coordinate with relevant projects to identify & implement collaborative activities; Report to the Executive Panel, this shall be submitted three weeks prior to the annual meeting of the GSICS EP and presented to the Panel.
Mini-conference CMA (host) China’s SI traceable ref satellite ??? MON (day-1) AM – Peng Zhang CMA (host) FY-4 : 2 presentations including GIIRS FY-3D : 2 presentations? SITP : 2~3 presentations? China’s SI traceable ref satellite ??? Each subgroup candidates? Volunteers and/or invitations?
Plenary Session(Agency/Chair Report) MON(day-1) PM ~ TUE(day-2) AM : Tim Hewison / Scott Hu Agency Reports (20 min each agency) 10 Agencies GCC, GDWG reports (40 min) GRWG Subgroup Reports (80 min) UV subgroup (Rose) VIS/NIR subgroup (Dave) IR subgroup (Tim) MW subgroup (Ralph)
Plenary (GRWG+GDWG) TUE (day-2) PM – Dohy Kim Advanced next generation GEO imagers/sounder FY-4A, GOES-16 A straw-man on the requirement for the GSICS plotting tool Further evolution of the Prime GSICS Correction concept Update on FIDUCEO to address inter-calibration requirements & formats GEO-GEO approach (JMA, CMA …) – IRSG? Gap filling method (AIRS and AHI) Discussion of Actions from GSICS-EP-18 Anything for the CGMS report, etc
Topics for GRWG (MWSG) WED(day-3) AM – Ralph Ferraro Level 1 adjustments and corrections (Result in Classical products) – Methods (e.g., SNO or double difference) – Need to address • References, transfers, stability • Spectral region idiosyncrasies Satellite and Instrument Data Bases OSCAR (SRF -> product, etc.) Provide Geolocation and FOVs Identify and catalog anomalies and periods of coverage Total Time : hours Potential Focus in the Shanghai meeting Visibility to Chinese/Asian(JAXA+India) MW Program (SI Traceability China )+Gather User Needs Can we collaborate on make the Window FCDR that can act as reference MW Lunar Calibration J1- ATMS and SNPP ATMS SDR Re-Processing GPM-X Satellite reference and calibration GSICS MW Products GSICS-GNSS-GPSRO