Using Technology to your Advantage in CN
16 years and counting
Can you say, aww?
What’s new with me?
Genesis of Technology
Technology Do any of you remember when these items were considered “new technology” in our industry? Today PCs, touchscreen POS terminals with barcode scanners and electronic cash drawers, and even laptops are part of our daily work lives. Can you imagine doing your jobs without these items? Computers have added a level of accuracy and accountability that was unimaginable with tickets and manual rosters. Now that accuracy and accountability are the norm we are looking towards technology to help drive efficiencies.
Three down to one!
How can I benefit from this?
Connectivity– ability to bring/join together
CN Director’s Office
Mobility – the ability to move around freely.
Professional Standards Topic: 4000 – Communications/Marketing Subtopic: 4150 – School and Community Communication