Distribution of the known and new candidate genes involved in hydroxylation reactions of UQ biosynthesis in proteobacteria. Distribution of the known and new candidate genes involved in hydroxylation reactions of UQ biosynthesis in proteobacteria. (A) The occurrence among alpha-, beta- and gammaproteobacteria (in pink, green, and blue, respectively) of known UQ hydroxylase-encoding genes (ubiF, ubiH, ubiI, and coq7) and potential new candidates (ubiL and ubiM) is indicated by colored squares in the corresponding columns. Columns are left blank when genes are absent. Paralogy is designated with the numbers of gene copies found in given genomes. Species whose UQ hydroxylases have been characterized previously and in our study are underlined and in boldface, respectively. Note the wide distribution of ubiH, ubiI, ubiM, and coq7 compared to that of ubiF and ubiL. The identification numbers of the corresponding proteins are given in Table S1 in the supplemental material. (B) Numbers of genomes containing 1, 2, 3, or 4 UQ hydroxylase-encoding genes. (C) Numbers of UQ hydroxylase-encoding genes in genomes containing a specific hydroxylase (for clarity and consistency, histogram colors are identical to box colors in panel A for each hydroxylase). Ludovic Pelosi et al. mSystems 2016; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00091-16