JUVENILE JUSTICE DOMAIN Collaborative Management Performance Measures SFY 2018-2019 Each CMP must choose three (3) performance indicators to be measures Indicators selected may be from any of the four CMP domains. CHILD WELFARE DOMAIN Outcome Indicator/Measure Efforts/Activities to Reach Goal Selected by CMP Increase safety of children and youth 90% percent of CMP youth with no substantiated abuse or neglect finding after CMP services began CMP children/youth will participate in service planning by attending a CMP program(s) to ensure no further substantiated abuse findings. ☒ JUVENILE JUSTICE DOMAIN Prevent involvement with the juvenile justice system 82% percent of children/youth who did not enter into detention due to CMP involvement CMP children/youth will participate in service planning by attending a CMP program(s) to ensure child/youth does not enter into detention. EDUCATION DOMAIN Increase academic achievement 75% percent of CMP children/youth with improved academic performance while involved with CMP services CMP children/youth will participate in service planning by attending a CMP program(s) to ensure child/youth will increase their academic performance.