State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine General Information Iryna Gutsalo Department of International Cooperation and European Integration GNSSN Workshop on National Nuclear Regulatory Portals, 04–06 July 2011, BMU, Bonn, Germany
The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) Established according to Decree of the President of Ukraine №1303 of 5 December 2000; The Provisions on SNRIU was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Enactment №1830 of 27 December 2006; SNRIU reports to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; SNRIU is independent from the State agencies, establishments and officials whose activity is associated with the use of nuclear energy.
SNRIU State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety Eight State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety have been established pursuant to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 796 of 07 June 2006: Northern Inspection (covers 5 “oblasts” + Kyiv); North-Western Inspection (4 “oblasts”); Western Inspection (4 “oblasts”); Southern Inspection ( 3 “oblasts”); South-Eastern Inspection (3 “oblasts”); Central Inspection (2 “oblasts”); Eastern Inspection ( 3 “oblasts”); Crimean Inspection (Crimea Autonomous Republic + Sevastopol).
SNRIU State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety 7 6 5 1 8 4 State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety: Western Crimean Southern South-Eastern Northern North-Western Eastern Central 3 2
Official Internet – site of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine
Official Internet – site of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine
SNRIU Technical Support Organizations SNRIU has established three Technical Support Organizations: The State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS). In 2009 SSTC NRS achieved the status of shared subordination to SNRIU and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; The State Centre for Quality Regulation of Supplies and Services (CERTATOM); The State Enterprise Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy (INFOATOM).
SSTC NRS Mission: provide SNRIU with scientific and technical support. Objectives: expert assessment and R&D in the area of safety analysis and assessment of nuclear installations, radwaste and spent fuel facilities, ionizing radiation sources.
Official Internet – site of the SSTC NRS
CERTATOM CERTATOM performs the following functions: Vendor assessment: expert evaluation of organization's capabilities to perform the declared activities; Expert assessment of technical documentation demonstrating compliance with the set requirements; Certification of Equipment and System Management Assurance (ISO 9001); Supervision over quality of equipment to be supplied to Russia; carrying out acceptance inspections at Ukrainian enterprises.
Official Internet – site of the CERTATOM
INFOATOM Main INFOATOM tasks are as follows: Provide media and public with information on SNRIU and its activities, status of nuclear and radiation safety in Ukraine, nuclear news etc.; Provide SNRIU with informational and analytical support; Implement advanced computer and information technologies at SNRIU.
Internal Information Resource of the SNRIU supporting by INFOATOM
Official Internet – site of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine
Official Internet – site of the NNEGC “Energoatom”
National Nuclear Regulatory Portal of Ukraine for the GNSSN/RegNet
National Nuclear Regulatory Portal of Ukraine for the GNSSN/RegNet
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