Map of United States Circa 1830


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Map of United States Circa 1830

Map of United States Circa 1830
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Presentation transcript:

Map of United States Circa 1830 Manifest Destiny Map of United States Circa 1830

What is Manifest Destiny? American Progress Color Lithograph by George A. Crofutt and John Gast

American Progress – Manifest Destiny Who is in the Painting?

American Progress – Manifest Destiny 2. What is going on in the scene?

American Progress – Manifest Destiny 3. Why are they doing that?

American Progress – Manifest Destiny 4. If the painting is about Manifest Destiny – What is Manifest Destiny

What is “Manifest Destiny?” Belief that the US should expand its territory from coast to coast It was “Obvious” that the United States should expand its territory.

Understanding Manifest Destiny "(It is) ..our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty" -John O'Sullivan Democrat Editor of 'The Morning Post'

What is Manifest Destiny? Belief that white Americans had a God-given right to occupy the entire North American continent. Manifest Destiny was exercised in 1492 by Christopher Columbus and the Spanish monarchs. Pilgrim Fathers when they landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. Any act of colonisation and settlement at the expense of another race can be said to be an expression of Manifest Destiny.

Manifest Destiny in 1840s America Once the concept had been given the name 'Manifest Destiny' it became widely used, appearing in newspapers, debates, paintings and advertisements. It became the leading light for westward expansion

The Homestead Act 1841 Government of America passed an act that allowed people to purchase 160 acres of Plains land for a very small price Act passed in 1862 divided 2.5 million acres of Plains land into sections or homesteads of 160 acres People could now claim 160 acres of land The only requirement on their part was that they paid a small administration charge and built a house and lived on the land for at least 5 years

So, How has our nation grown?

US Territorial Expansion When? A - 13 Original Colonies 1776 From Where? Great Britain Why? US declared independence from Great Britain A

US Territorial Expansion When? B - Western Lands 1783 From Where? Great Britain Why? Part of results of Treaty of Paris (ended Revolutionary War) A B

US Territorial Expansion When? C - Louisiana Purchase 1803 From Where? France Why? Napoleon needed $ Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans He got all of this instead! A C B

US Territorial Expansion When? D - Florida 1819 From Where? Spain Why? Andrew Jackson invaded Spain then sold it to us for $5 million A C B D

Thinking Question (don’t write this down!! Just think!) Why weren’t Americans happy with the size of their country at this point in their history?

US Territorial Expansion When? E - Texas 1845 From Where? Republic of Texas (Independent Country) Why? Texas independent from Mexico in 1836 Northerners feared it would become a slave state Fears finally overcome in 1944 Presidential election A C B E D

US Territorial Expansion When? F - Oregon Territory 1846 From Where? Great Britain Why? Claimed by four countries (G. Britain, Russia, Spain, & US) Americans demanded “54° 40’ or fight!” Britain compromised 49° & US accepted F A C B E D

US Territorial Expansion When? G - Mexican Cession 1848 From Where? Mexico Why? Polk offers to buy G from Mexico & they refuse War! US wins In Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, US offers $15 million for G F A C B G E D