Welcome! Mrs. Simpson English 10
English 10 – Course Overview Graduation Requirement (D- or higher) UC/CSU a-g Requirement (C or higher) Text and novels Textbook: SpringBoard Language Arts grade 10: “Culture” Night Echoes and Reflection Holocaust Curriculum Late-work passes Website information
Quarter 1 Unit 1: Cultural Conversations Essential Questions: 1. What is my cultural identity? 2. How do cultural experiences shape, impact, or influence our identity and perceptions? Embedded Assessment: Writing a Synthesis Paper Prompt: Your assignment is to write an essay that responds to the following synthesis prompt: To what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Be sure to support your claim with evidence from at least three different texts you have read, viewed, or listened to in this unit, as well as with personal experience and insights.
Quarter 2 Unit 2: Cultural Perspectives Essential Question: What issues resonate across cultures, and how are arguments developed in response? Embedded Assessment: Writing an Argumentative Essay Prompt: Your assignment is to develop an argument about an issue that resonates across cultures. You will choose a position, target audience, and effective genre to convey your argument to a wide audience.
Quarter 3 Unit: The Holocaust, Night by Elie Wiesel Essential Questions: How does a genocide occur? Could an event the magnitude of the Holocaust happen again? Why? Embedded Assessment #1: Historical Investigation and Presentation Prompt: Your assignment is to work collaboratively with a group of your peers to research a genocide using the framework described in the 8 Stages of Genocide. Then, you and your peers will create a multimedia presentation detailing the genocide you researched and present to the class. Embedded Assessment #2: Writing a Research Essay Prompt: Using the research you gathered from your own research and what you learned from your peers’ presentations, write an argumentative essay in which you argue if a genocide the magnitude of the Holocaust can happen again and why.
Quarter 4 Unit 5: Dramatic Justice; Antigone Essential Question: How do complex characters advance the plot and develop the themes of a drama? Embedded Assessment: Writing a Literary Analysis Essay Prompt: Your assignment is to write an analytical essay about the effect of character interaction in the play Antigone. Choose a character whose words, actions, or ideas contrast with Creon’s character. Explain how these conflicting motivations contribute to Creon’s development as a tragic hero and how the character interactions advance the plot or develop themes of the play.
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