Special Education Parent Informational Session: Communication March 14 6:30 p.m
Agenda Introductions SEPAC Department Goals Survey Results Autism Walk Conversation-Next Steps
SEPAC •Special Education Parent Advisory Groups are required for all school districts in New Jersey. The purpose of these groups is to provide opportunities for parents and community members to offer input to their districts on critical issues. New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-1.2(h) states that: –Each board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities. Goals: Transparency and informational session (both ways) What it is not-vehicle for public complaints-agenda driven Meeting dates have been scheduled and posted on the department website. Any parent wishing to serve on the committee can send an email indicating such to: ryan.kline@Belleville.k12.nj.us
2017-18 Department Goal The department goal for the 2017-18 academic year will be to involve our parents more within their students' academics. Enhancement of their knowledge of curriculum and extra-curricular activities will further enhance out students' academics. Information from SEPAC meetings, surveys, and IEP attendance has been used to help determine the need for this goal. –Emails from IEPDirect (wider audience) –Website, Oncourse, ClassroomDojo, IEPDirect goals and objectives via portal –Communication sheets from related service providers-continued –Informational parental sessions –Introductory case manager letters-continued –SCOPE-Electronic information-blogs, and articles –Continue with parental surveys (google surveys, post secondary surveys)
Special Education Parent Survey Results March 2018
Questions/ Comments Absolutely True Very True True Not at all True Somewhat True
Access to the Curriculum Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses
Access to the Case Manager Online Paper Total: 61 responses Total: 9 responses
Access to Teachers Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 60 responses
Access to Administrators Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 59 responses
Needs are being met: Academics Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses
Needs are being met: Related Services Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 55 responses
Needs are being met: Transportation Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 49 responses
Needs are being met: School Activities Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 54 responses
Meetings: Having children present at meetings Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 60 responses
Meetings: Informational Sessions would be helpful Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 60 responses
Interest in Home-visits Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 58 responses
If transportation was available, I would come to meetings... Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 58 responses
If gift cards, prizes, or raffles were available that would make the meetings more interesting. Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 60 responses
Need for Childcare at Meetings... Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 59 responses
Booklet of Emergency Contacts would be helpful Paper Online Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses
Liaisons between Home/School Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 59 responses
Communicating electronically works better.. Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses
My communication with my child's school is thorough. Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses
Weekend Meetings Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses Absolutely True Very True True Not at all True Somewhat True Weekend Meetings Online Paper Total: 9 responses Total: 61 responses
Conversation: Next Steps??? Informational sessions _