Study and Communication Skills Internet Search Engines
Study and Communication Skills Search engines The history of search engines How they developed How they work The future of search engines
Study and Communication Skills The first search engine Archie Once a month Unorganised lists 1992
Study and Communication Skills Organised content JumpStation 25,000 pages The University of Stirling
Study and Communication Skills Old and new search engines Lycos, AltaVista, AskJeeves, Excite Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Baidu Yandex, Naver
Study and Communication Skills How Google works Page Rank Links on other pages Key words Useful and reliable pages
Study and Communication Skills Advertising Top results Sidebar Useful and relevant ads
Study and Communication Skills Disadvantages The Google Effect Money wasted on SEO Constantly updated algorithms
Study and Communication Skills The future of search engines Personalised results Smart search Large revenues