1.5 Infinite Limits If Then x = a is a VA of f (x).
If ,then it is an Indeterminant Limit. 1.5 Infinite Limits If , then x = a is a VA. If ,then it is an Indeterminant Limit.
Ex 1: Determine all Vertical Asymptotes
Ex 2: Evaluate
1.5 pg. 88 #1 – 7 odds, #9 – 25 EOO, #29 – 47 odds
3.5 Limits at Infinity If Then y = L is a HA of f(x).
degree of NUM = degree of DEN 3.5 Limits at Infinity degree of NUM = degree of DEN Limit =
degree of NUM < degree of DEN 3.5 Limits at Infinity degree of NUM < degree of DEN Limit = 0
3.5 Limits at Infinity degree of NUM > degree of DEN. Limit DNE because it increases infinitely.
Ex 1: Evaluate
Ex 2: Identify the infinite limits, limits at infinity, & asymptotes *see graph.
Ex 3: Find the VA’s & HA’s of f(x).
Ex 4: Evaluate
Ex 5: Evaluate
Ex 6: Sketch the graph by finding intercepts and limits:
3.5 pg. 205 #3 – 8 all, #9, 13, 15, 17, 19, #21 – 33 EOO, #35, 37, 41, 45