How To Run A Mentoring Program AYSO National Referee Program - #505 NOTE TO INSTRUCTORS: This PowerPoint contains all the material in the lesson plan. It was developed with the understanding that it might be presented at the Regional level by workshop leaders who have little or no instruction experience, and the slides are consequently very “wordy.” Instructors may leave the slides as they are but should take care not to fully read each slide as it appears. Instructors who are comfortable doing so may “whittle” the bullet points down until they are simply reminders for what to discuss.
What is a Mentor A knowledgeable, more experienced helper. A friendly source of guidance, advice, and confidence for new referees. A source of knowledge and experience for referees who wish to upgrade. A mentor is simply someone who has been a referee for a longer period of time, or who has more experience refereeing at the level the mentee is attempting to master. Mentors are a key resource for helping new referees quickly become great referees. Higher-level mentors can be instrumental in helping referees who are looking to upgrade. New referees can feel isolated, unsupported, and alone. Worse, new referees can be the victims of overzealous coaches and fans whose comments can cause referees to question why they are volunteering. The support and guidance of an experienced mentor in such situations can mean the difference between keeping and losing a valuable volunteer.
Why Mentoring is Important Every season, Regions recruit new referees. The next season, many don’t return. Lack of experience makes new referees feel less confident. Criticism from the sidelines is embarrassing. Perceived lack of support from the Region can be frustrating. Not many referees seek certification upgrades. An active mentoring program can help.
The Regional Mentoring Program For New Referees
The Recipe A Regional mentoring program needs three key ingredients. Support from the Regional Board. A mentoring program administrator. Mentors.
Board Support Mentors are referees, too. When they’re mentoring, they are not refereeing. The RC and other board members must be prepared to sacrifice short-term game coverage for long-term program strength. The board should also be prepared to support the mentoring program with funds to recognize mentors.
Mentoring Program Administrator Can be a member of the referee staff Referee Administrator Director of Mentoring and Assessment Director of Mentoring (in Regions that can provide separate directors of mentoring and assessment) Any other willing volunteer
Mentors The administrator must identify good mentor candidates Outgoing, approachable, non-threatening Good communication skills, especially when suggesting improvements Significant refereeing experience and ability Certification as an Intermediate Referee or higher is a plus Certification as an assessor is a plus
Mentor Training Once mentors are identified, they should be trained The workshop “How To Be A Mentor” can be held by the Region It covers interaction and communication styles as well as tools for mentoring new referees, youth referees, and more experienced referees. Completion of this course leads to certification as a Referee Mentor.
Pairing Mentors and New Refs Once trained, mentors should be assigned to new referees. Ideally no more than three mentees per mentor. Mentors should have access to the Laws of the Game as well as all USSF and AYSO guidance and regulations. Mentors should meet their new referees early, at the Regional Referee Course or before the first game. Best case: before the first “real game,” the new referees can work practice games at a mentoring day event.
Mentoring Day If at all possible, Regions should hold a mentoring day event before the season starts. Teams scrimmage to give new referees a chance work “practice games.” Coaches and parents know what to expect. New referees work in a stress-free environment. Mentors oversee the games and give feedback.
Mentoring Day Not all Regions have the resources to host mentoring events. Regions can combine resources and work together. Area staff can also help by sponsoring Area-wide mentoring events.
Once the Season Starts… Mentors should watch the new referee’s first real game (and as many other games as possible). Providing encouragement and feedback can quickly increase a new referee’s confidence and competence. The mentoring program administrator should gather feedback on how new referees – and their mentors – are performing.
Communication and Recognition During the season the referee staff can host meetings where mentors and new referees can share experiences. Short continuing education classes can be held to pass knowledge from instructors, mentors, and others to new referees. The referee staff and Regional board should recognize its mentors’ contributions (T-shirts, baseball caps, etc.)
The Regional Mentoring Program For Experienced Referees
Mentoring Experienced Referees Experienced referees may be more knowledgeable and more confident. They likely have developed some refereeing habits. They may not have been mentored in some time. All of these can present a challenge to a mentor. Knowledge and habits may need to be corrected. This must be done very tactfully.
Mentoring Upgrade Candidates Upgrade candidates, especially those already at Intermediate and Advanced, need mentors who perform at a high level. Mentors should hold badge level above that of the candidate. Strong Laws of the Game and AYSO knowledge. Clear understanding of the minimum standards required for the level the candidate will be observed / assessed. Significant prior mentoring experience.
Mentoring Help From the Area or Section
Help from Friends Not all Regions may have the resources required to run an active mentoring program. Regions that have mentoring programs may not be able to do everything they’d like to do. Area and / or Section staffs may be able to help.
Area/Section Can… Send experienced mentors to the Region to train mentors and “kick start” the program. Send a mentor team from other Regions to hold a mentoring day. Find game slots at Regions that have mentors, so new referees can work with them.
Area/Section Can… Provide mentors for experienced referees and upgrade candidates. Host mentor training courses. Organize and host Area-wide mentoring days. Email / publish “Tip of the Week” for new referees in the Area / Section.
Conclusion Mentoring is vitally important to the referee program. It helps retain referees, and helps with recruiting. It helps new referees quickly become better. It helps experienced referees upgrade. Do you have a referee mentor program in your Region? Can you help other Regions get their programs started?
Goal for Referees Support the delivery of a great AYSO experience for players and others How will this workshop help you support this goal?
Thank you for attending! #505