Welcome Recording Slide Deck Chat Box Mute www.bit.ly/sgtoc2018 HOUSEKEEPING AGENDA Recording Slide Deck Chat Box Mute www.bit.ly/sgtoc2018 The new approach The categories Focus areas Application Packs Q & A
Digital Health & Care Strategy Build knowledge and skills. Delivering a step-change in how technology is used Cost-effective support Service redesign
TEC Delivery Plan A clear pipeline of innovative solutions, products and approaches and an associated implementation model are in place for translation into mainstream at-scale services and pathways across health and social care
A Service Innovation Pipeline
For this year’s open call…
‘Proof of Concept’ - From £5k to £20k CATEGORY A Test of Change - Stage 1 ‘Proof of Concept’ - From £5k to £20k A new idea or an idea applied successfully elsewhere Demonstrates that a proposed technology enabled pathway is possible in a specific locale with a small number of users Is small-scale, low cost and quick to implement Provides quick insight into what works / does not work and why Informs if the idea merits further investment. 3 x 30 days
‘Proof of Value’ – up to £50k CATEGORY B Test of Change - Stage 2 ‘Proof of Value’ – up to £50k Scales up a Proof of Concept to sufficient numbers of users to demonstrate impact OR Aims to replicate a successful service innovation from another locale AND Collects operational evidence of impact that can be used to support business cases and inform feasibility studies May be larger in scale, higher cost and take longer to implement than ‘Proof of Concept’ 6 x 30 days
Focus Areas POLICY PROGRAMME Waiting times Mental Health esp. Young People Attend Anywhere Gypsy / Traveller HMHM for LTC & T4 Housing service redesign Combining technologies Coaching models for A2D
Application packs
‘Category A’
CATEGORY A Stage 1 Test of Change Application Use this form if: You have a clear and objective performance improvement aim You have a clear rationale for how your improvement will be delivered You have access to the underlying Technology or platform needed to run your test You can conduct your test within 3 x 30 day cycles and within your requested funding. Do not use this form if: You have not already secured access to the underlying technology (e.g. a service solution or platform) at the time of application You are uncertain of the support from one or more key stakeholders You need to formally recruit anyone, other than service users, to run your test Your test relies on items that need to be procured and will take more than 3-4 weeks to be delivered.
How will things be better if your test proves your theory? ‘Category A’ Application 1. Improvement Aim Statement Big Aim: Think about where this test fits in with your local Strategy and initiatives. Test of Change Aim: How will things be better if your test proves your theory?
Describe the “presenting problem” in no more than 4 bullet points: ‘Category A’ Application 2. Problem Statement Describe the “presenting problem” in no more than 4 bullet points: What is happening? Why is it happening? Who is being affected? What are the consequences?
What have you learned about the problem? ‘Category A’ Application 3. Analysis of current situation What have you learned about the problem? Is the problem ‘real’ or a ‘perception’? Why (using data if possible) do you think your idea to change things will be beneficial? Where does the opportunity to make an improvement come from? (Quantify the gap)
Outcome measures | Process measures | Balancing measures ‘Category A’ Application 4. Proposed Test of Change Outline the key changes that you plan to test. Think ‘before’ and ‘after’ 1st 30 days, 2nd 30 days, 3rd 30 days 5. Anticipated Outcomes and Measures What are the improvements you expect to see? How will you demonstrate the difference between your test and BAU in a way that funders will care about? Outcome measures | Process measures | Balancing measures 6. Stakeholders List the team and anyone else who’s support you need for the test.
‘Category A’ Questions?
Category B - Mission Model Canvas
CATEGORY B Stage 2 Test of Change Application Use this form if: You have carried out a successful proof of concept that you now want to scale-up OR You want to implement a service innovation that has proven successful in two or more other locales OR You have an experienced TEC team who wish to implement a proof of concept and scale-up in a single test You have access to the underlying Technology or platform needed to run your test You can conduct your test within 6 x 30 day cycles and within your requested funding. Do not use this form if: You have not already secured access to the underlying technology (e.g. a service solution or platform) at the time of application You are uncertain of the support from one or more key stakeholders You need to formally recruit anyone, other than service users, to run your test Your test relies on items that need to be procured and will take more than 6 weeks to be delivered.
‘Category B’ Application 1. Which proof of concept do you want to build on, or proven service innovation do you want to replicate? Not necessarily a TEC ‘proof of concept’ – but provide documentation Part 4 for ‘all in one’ applications 2. Background Help us to understand: Local Context Local Drivers 3. Beneficiaries Who does this help? Who is the end-user(s) Which service provider role(s)
‘Category B’ Application 4. Benefits to the service users Why is your service change going to stick? How does this help users to overcome a problem or achieve an additional benefit over what they have now? 5. Buy-in / Support If this was ‘going-live’ instead of a ‘proof of value’, who’s support would you need for a successful implementation? What is the status of their support for this test? 6. Deployment What does this look like from an operational perspective? How many users of each type? What are the locations? What throughput? How will it be managed? How will the information flow and be gathered?
‘Category B’ Application 7. Key Activities What are the main processes? Who, does what, when… 8. Key Resources Who and what do you need to be able to carry out your Key Activities? 9. Key Partners Who will supply the people and things you need to carry out your Key Activities? Have you got them in place already? If not, how close are you?
‘Category B’ Application 10. Costs TEC activities are focussed on supporting the ‘cost of change’. If you are contributing to the test in cash or kind, include that here. Make it easy to see the relationships between costs and delivery. 11. Impacts Think ‘Business Case’ Consult internally about what would be needed to support a business case in your organisation.
Resources Resources: - Presentation - Video Recording - Example applications - Current tests - 2017 Tests Report http://bit.ly/sgtoc2018 Reference Materials: - iHub and Institute for Health Improvement iHub http://www.ihi.org - Mission Model Canvas ‘Google’ it.