Nuclear power plants Nuclear Power pros and cons
What are some of the pros to using nuclear power? #3.9 Aim: What are the pros to using nuclear power? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Nuclear power plants (15) Activity: “Nukes are green” (15) Summary HW #20 What are some of the pros to using nuclear power?
1. Nuclear power plant do not create air pollution. -Coal fired power plants kill about 25,000 people a year through soot in the air.. -The total deaths caused by nuclear power plants is much lower than those caused by coal fired power plants.
2. Nuclear power plants do not need much fuel 1pound of uranium produces as much electricity of 10,000 pounds of coal.
3. Nuclear power plants do not produce green house gases. Green house gases cause global warming so Nuclear Power does not cause global warming . Coal fired power plants produce a lot of CO2 which causes global warming.
What are the pros to using nuclear power? #3.9 Aim: What are the pros to using nuclear power? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Nuclear power plants (15) Activity: “Nukes are green” (15) Summary HW #20
Nuclear power cons
1. Risk of large accidents #3.10 Aim: What are the cons to using nuclear power? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Nuclear power cons (15) Activity: WARNING PAMPHLETS (15) Summary (5) No HW Leaks from nuclear power plants can release radiation, which damages DNA cancer, birth defects, etc. Birth defects from Uranium exposure Burns from radiation
Chernobyl Ukraine, 1986 #3.10 Aim: What are the cons to using nuclear power? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Nuclear power cons (15) Activity: WARNING PAMPHLETS (15) Summary (5) No HW An explosion destroyed the reactor and sent clouds radioactive debris into the air. Twenty-two people died. Red shows the radiation cloud Chernobyl victim with his brother
#3.10 Aim: What are the cons to using nuclear power? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Nuclear power cons (15) Activity: WARNING PAMPHLETS (15) Summary (5) No HW 2. Produces toxic waste Used fuel rods emit radiation for thousands of years.
#3.10 Aim: What are the cons to using nuclear power? Agenda QOD (10) Lesson: Nuclear power cons (15) Activity: WARNING PAMPHLETS (15) Summary (5) No HW U.S. power plants store enough radioactive waste to fill a football field 10 feet high This waste is stored in 125 sites across the country. The National Academy of Sciences reported that most of these sites are vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
3. Risk of terrorist attack If terrorists get nuclear waste they could put it into a bomb. Terrorists could also attack nuclear power plants and cause a lot of harm.
Nuclear power: good or bad? Your job is to make a pamphlet explaining both the PRO’s and the CON’s of using nuclear power. Be sure to have at least three solid points to make on both sides. Be creative! Make them beautiful!