This is Scotland Scotland is a wonderful country This is Scotland Scotland is a wonderful country. But what is special about Scotland is that there is supposed to be a monster in one of its lake: the loch ness...
Do you believe in monsters???
Loch Ness is part of the Great Glen, an enormous fissure in the earth that just about splits Scotland into two. The Loch Ness is 24 miles long and a maximum of 1½ miles wide. Its maximum depth is around 750 feet and its average depth 450 feet.
Because the waters are very cold, and also very cloudy it is difficult to see underwater. So there is a lot of murky water in which Nessie could hide. Ha Ha! Nobody can see me!!!
Don’t worry!!! I’m here to save you from the monster! The legend of Nessie started with Saint Columba, in year 565, rescuing a swimmer from a lake creature Don’t worry!!! I’m here to save you from the monster!
From then on, stories of such a creature emerged periodically From then on, stories of such a creature emerged periodically. But, after1933, a new road was built along the lake shore. People were first able to visit the area in large numbers. Then, reports of sightings really took off ... .
Please.. Don’t call me “enormous”... Witnesses: In 1933, the MacKays (owner of a pub) told they saw and enormous animal. Please.. Don’t call me “enormous”... I’m not that big!!! Big fish big fish..
I’m so cute, don’t you think? In 1933, Alex Campbell, responsible for controlling salmon fishing in the Loch, said he saw Nessie many times. He described it about 30 feet long, having "a 6 feet long neck, and a small head with a serpentine look ...” I’m so cute, don’t you think?
After that, a lot of people started taking pictures of Nessie
The most famous picture of all: The surgeon Colonel Robert Wilson picture.
That was not real, it was a hoax! Later, the photographer admitted that he had taken part in a hoax. He made that confession on his death bed, in 1993, when he was aged 90. , Oh my god!!! That was not real, it was a hoax!
He told that he had helped make a model out of a toy submarine and photographed the model. He had been hired by the Daily Mail to find Nessie. He made a "monster" out of a 14 inch toy submarine and plastic wood. The picture was taken so seriously that he didn’t confessed it was a hoax at that time.
But maybe the confession is a fake... And don’t forget there has been many pictures of me since that time. Some are great! So it’s up to you to decide if you believe in me or not!
Here are some of the other pictures of Nessie Considere me as a curious but possible explanation of this picture.
This is an other very popular picture!