Global Goals Competition #GSLGoals
Global Goals Competition Design and deliver a project in your local community that will get the world closer to achieving the Global Goals. Consider which of the 17 Goals you feel passionate about or are most relevant to your community. What problems can you identify in your area? How can your team work together to fix it? There’s great potential for you to make a positive social change and the sooner you get started the bigger the impact.
What are the United Nations’ Global Goals “The biggest attempt in the history of the human race to make the world a better place” The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were agreed by world leaders in 2015 to create a better world by 2030. The Goals run across countries, religions, politics, conflicts, and generations. It is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.
We the People Video
Phases of the Competition Phase 1: Project Plan Submission for Feedback Phase 2: Project Implementation – Project Update Phase 3: Final Submission Complete a project plan and submit this for feedback on your project idea. Complete the online form and receive further feedback on your project progress. Complete a 2 page written report and 3 minute digital submission showcasing your project. Deadline for Phase 1 submission is 1st December 2018. Deadline for Phase 2 submission is 1st March 2019 Deadline for Phase 3 Final submission is 1st May 2019
Next Steps 1. Create a team (3-7 students per team) and register your team on the Global Social Leaders website. You will be sent an information pack. 2. Research the Global Goals and design a project plan. Complete a project plan and get a teacher to read it. 3. Submit your team’s project plan for feedback by the GSL team. Deadline for this phase is 1st December.
If you have any questions about the competition please contact: Follow Global Social Leaders on: Instragram @globalsocialleaders Twitter @FutureFound Use the hastag #GSLGoals Like Global Social Leaders on Facebook