Parts of the brain
Four Major Regions Cerebral Hemispheres Diencephalon Brain Stem Cerebellum
Cerebrum Contains cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb Superior most region of CNS Controls all voluntary actions in body Divided into lobes
Gray and White Matter of Brain Outer region- cerebral cortex- gray matter- cell bodies Inner region- white matter- composed of bundles of nerve fibers Gray matter “islands”-basal nuclei- within white matter Regulate voluntary motor activities
Cerebrum Corpus Callosum- connects cerebral hemispheres (large fiber tract) Gyri-ridges of tissues Sulci-shallow grooves separating gyri Fissures-deeper groves Lobes- divide cerebral hemispheres Named for bone that lie over them
Parietal Lobe Somatic sensory area Recognize pain, coldness, or light touch
Occipital Lobe Visual area located in posterior region
Temporal Lobe Auditory area located here
Gray and White Matter of Brain Outer region- cerebral cortex- gray matter- cell bodies Inner region- white matter- composed of bundles of nerve fibers Gray matter “islands”-basal nuclei- within white matter Regulate voluntary motor activities
Frontal Lobe Primary motor area Allows us to consciously move our skeletal muscles
Broca's area Specialized area involved in our ability to speak (located in frontal lobe)
Speech area Located at junction of temporal, parietal, and occipital lobe. Sound out words
Additional Info Higher intellectual reasoning Frontal lobe Complex memories Temporal and frontal lobes Language comprehension