How Does My Data Measure Up: Creating Performance Measures that Mean Something Wendy Smith HMIS System and Implementation Administrator Portland Housing Bureau- City of Portland Megan Bolton Senior Research Analyst Oregon Housing and Community Services
Performance Measures What are performance measures and why are they important? What are the current performance measures used by HUD, the state, and others? Discuss what is possible with performance measures What is most useful to measure? What other performance measures could be brought to the state level? Do they differ at all from HUD’s?
Performance Measures Performance measurement is generally defined as regular measurement of outcomes and results, which generates reliable data on the effectiveness and efficiency of programs
What is most useful to measure? HUD has their ideas: Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless The Extent to Which Persons who Exit Homelessness Return to Homelessness Number of Homeless Persons Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons in CoC Program-funded Projects Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in Retention of Permanent Housing Homelessness Prevention and Housing Placement
What is most useful to measure? What are your ideas? 1 … 2 … 3 …
HUD’s Performance Measures
Statewide example!/vizhome/CountyReportCardWinter2018/ReportCard
A Home For Everyone (AHFE) Local samples Portland/Gresham/Multnomah County Continuum of Care (OR-501) A Home For Everyone (AHFE)
Local samples Who helped drive the decisions What measures did we create or adopt What do we do with them How they drive the conversation
Local samples
How about you? Who has created any local performance measure Which measures might make sense locally? For the State? What do you see as the next steps
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