Student teachers preparation for classroom practice; professional competencies (in terms of knowledge, skills, approaches) Vilma Leonavičienė Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2009
The main aim of pedagogical practice at VPU Lithuanian Language Faculty To help future teachers develop pedagogical and subject-matter competences, to develop an ability to apply acquired knowledge and to gain skills of practical activity.
Students have to acquire the following competences: general cultural and professional competences (creating of positive teaching environment), planning and developing of subject content, management of teaching process.
Students have to acquire the following competences: assessment of learners attainment and progress, general competences (communicative, co- operative, learning to learn, reflecting, information management, research activity).
Preparation for pedagogical practice. (Didactics of the Lithuanian Language) After the course students have to acquire the general cultural and professional competences. Didactics of the Lithuanian language help to define aims and tasks of teaching Lithuanian language.
Preparation for pedagogical practice (Didactics of the Lithuanian Language): To prepare students for practical work. To get acquainted with research work at school. To create conditions for experiments during the teaching practice.
Work at school (classroom practice): During pedagogical practice student has 10 credit lessons: 6 lessons in 5 th -7 th class forms and 4 lessons in 9 th -12 th class forms. LF students have practice in secondary schools in 5 th -12 th class forms. The duration of this practice is 10 weeks: 5 th January th March 2010.
Work at school (classroom practice): 2 nd -10 th March students independently have all Lithuanian Language and Literature lessons in their educative classes.
Work at school (classroom practice): First week of practice students observe the lessons (5 th and 12 th class forms), which are held by Lithuanian language teachers. Students get ready for credit lessons.
Work at school (classroom practice): The group leader (by free choice) can visit 1 or 2 students independent lessons.
Work at school (classroom practice): Every student is obligated for Lithuanian language and literature extracurricular activities/work.
Work at school (classroom practice): Students should have extra work with schoolchildren who are doing excellent school work and the ones who are not following so well.
Work at school (classroom practice): Credit lessons can be evaluated by one summary mark, except cases, when there are not approved lessons. Every credit lesson is evaluated by separate mark.
Work at school (classroom practice): Summary mark is for all independent lessons, which were held on the last practice week. Third profession mark/grade is written for correcting schoolchildren's exercise books.
Work at school (classroom practice): The evaluation of lesson is reduced for mistakes in discipline, language, and didactic.
Work at school (classroom practice): Pedagogical practice is ended at the school, by discussing and summing up the results in the deliberation.
Pedagogical practice in VPU Lithuanian Language Faculty Students of Faculty of Lithuanian Philology have pedagogical practice in 5-12 th classes of general education schools. Practice duration is 11 weeks. Students have the first part of pedagogical practice in 6th term (7 credits). The second one is in the 8th term (4 credits).