Welcome SUMMER SCHOOL CO-OP INFORMATION SESSION King William Learning Centre Thursday, April 24, :30 to 7:30
AGENDA NOTE: All student MUST sign in Welcome & Introductions Overview of Summer Co-op – 1 and 2 credit STEP 1: Applying for Summer Co-op STEP 2: Finding a Placement – Focus on Youth STEP 3: On-line pre-placement STEP 4: At the workplace STEP 5: End of Session Questions
Overview of Summer Co-op *UNPAID 6 week placements allowing you to earn a possible 2 credits (** some specialized programs are PAID) PRIOR TO PLACEMENT (done online) mandatory pre-placement (15 hours of pre-placement elearning assignments) IN THE WORK PLACE (at your placement) 1 credit 4 weeks (July 3 to July 29) (need 88 hrs. at placement (6 hrs. per day) + 7 hrs. reflection days + 15 hours of pre-placement) 2 credit 6 weeks (July 3 to Aug 8) (need 181 hrs. at placement (8 hrs. per day) + 14 hrs. reflection days + 15 pre-placement hours) ** specialized programs - HWDSB Focus on Youth – as advertised
STEP 1: Applying Access the HWDSB website CCE, credit, summer school : ummer-school/ ummer-school/ Complete the application, parental consent and teacher reference form Fax the completed forms to King William Learning Centre before May 9, 2014.
Confirmation Status The week starting May 13, all applicants will be ed to: 1. confirm application status 2. confirm placement status - if placement secured will indicate the employer has been notified - if no placement will indicate what Coop teacher will be co-ordinating
STEP 2: Finding a Placement Any Delta, SJAM, Glendale, Churchill, Parkview already being placed with the YMCA Summer Jobs for Youth Communicate placement requests by completing Placement Request form (fax to before May 9, 2014) Teacher will call to let you know if applicable placements are available (contact info. s/b clear) Student must be prepared to organize and to attend an interview, Note: be prepared for a phone interview Placement will be confirmed by teacher and employer after an interview is conducted
STEP 3: Pre-placement o Starting May 20, the summer co-op pre- placement mandatory training is activated through the Co-op elearning course, each student doing summer co-op MUST complete this training, no exceptions. o A training and orientation course is also available for students who have not used the D2L elearning platform. o The course content outlines the co-op process, safety, forms, work place expectations, etc.
Pre-placement Training Logon to the home.hwdsb.on.cahome.hwdsb.on.ca Username/Password = Active Directory account
View Summer Coop Calendar Important dates are listed on the Summer Co-op Calendar
View Summer Coop Assignments All assignment viewed through content option All assignments must be completed before June 17, 2014
Complete Pre-placement Online All 5 UNITS in the table of contents need to be completed before June 17 During the Summer Co-op placement log sheets will also be entered through the elearning course site
STEP 4: Registration Day Registration day is July 2, 2014 at 225 King William St. 3 rd floor. All students who successfully completed the online pre-placement training will be required to register on July 2. You will meet your co-op teacher and get their contact information. You will also pickup all the necessary forms to take to your co-op placement.
First day of Placement First day at placement is Thursday July 3 rd, 2014 On the first day at your co-op placement you are required to have your supervisor sign all paperwork and fax or scan/ documents to your co-op teacher.
STEP 5: Placement Your co-op teacher will conduct 3 visits during the co-op session Reflection days are scheduled at King William Learning Centre (see schedule) Assignments during the co-op session will include daily log sheets (completed online) a mid-term and final assignment Must meet the required 100 (1credit) or 200 (2 credits) hours in the work place.
STEP 6: END of SESSION After successfully completing the Summer Co-op session, your marks letters can be picked up at Red Hill Learning Centre August 11 (for 1 credit) August 15 (for 2 credits).
Summer Co-op Programs QUESTIONS