Inventory of Memorial Landmarks of New France, Towards an Integrated Approach to Heritage Canadian Archaeological Association McMaster University, Hamilton,


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Presentation transcript:

Inventory of Memorial Landmarks of New France, Towards an Integrated Approach to Heritage Canadian Archaeological Association McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Thursday, May 8, 2003

Presented by Alain Roy, Head of project, Centre interuniversitaire détudes québécoises, Université Laval

Presentation of a Pilot Project 1.The Project History and partners The concepts 2. Database and website

History : Framework study : Establishing the partnership : Ongoing work on both sides of the Atlantic

Partnership Commission franco-québécoise des lieux de mémoire communs Québec Ministère de la Culture et des Communications Centre Interuniversitaire détudes québécoises (CIEQ), Université Laval France National Level Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication Regional Level: Poitou-Charentes GERHICO, Université de Poitiers et de La Rochelle DRAC Regional and departmental authorities

The Core of the Project: An Integrated Concept of Heritage Three dimensions: A new definition of heritage The Atlantic dimension Relationships between heritage sites

New Definition of Heritage Three components: 1. Built heritage and archaeological sites

Three Components: 2. Commemorative markers, where there are no more remains in place

Three Components: 3. Spatial settlement remains (roads, street layout, etc.)

Relationships Between Heritage Sites Complexity of human activities implies different kinds of relationships, for example: Functional Authority Through: People Activities Events Etc.

Transatlantic Dimension Colonial whole on both sides of the Atlantic: Networks Relationships (ex.: Fur trade) Population expansion

Development Perspectives Cartographic access to the database Atlas (both paper and electronic support) Extension: Other areas of France French Colonial North America Acadia Ontario and the West United States

Website Address