Welcome to Project CHARACTER School 16 Leadership Team Cynthia Eisner Gail Benefico Barbara Carey Joyce Davis Pamela Murphy
Overview of Project CHARACTER Welcome!... to Project CHARACTER Director: Mr. Howard Krieger
Pam Joyce
CHARACTER Citizenship and High Academic standards, Reinforcing the Aspen Character Traits, and Ethical Reasoning
Includes the skills of a Public Policy Analyst: CITIZENSHIP Includes the skills of a Public Policy Analyst: the ability to define social problems & develop new public policy solutions
High Academic standards Effective character will promote academic improvement.
Ethical Reasoning Using analysis and technology to solve our school’s problems and create a caring environment
Steps of the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) Define the Problem Gather the Evidence Identify the Causes Evaluate an Existing Policy Develop Solutions Select the Best Solution (Feasibility vs. Effectiveness)
Defining the social problem A social problem exists when at least some members of your school community feel that social conditions are undesirable. We will first need to select a problem topic and then specifically define a social problem for topic.
Examples of Topics to Analyze discipline problems student achievement participation in extracurricular activities parental and community involvement faculty and administration involvement student and staff morale
Keep Your Deck Chairs Facing Forward!!! Remember… Keep Your Deck Chairs Facing Forward!!!