Coming of Age Amidst Controversy Research Presentations Please sit with your research group. Pick up your research envelope and planning pages from the front table. Each slide in this presentation includes information that will help you create a magnificent, relevant research presentation. Follow all guidelines and refer to your project instructions for the best grade possible. Presentations are due on Monday, May 16.
CSHS Library Databases To access databases, go to Click on “academics,” then “library,” and then “research.” Usernames and Passwords: Gale- Password: cougars ProQuest- Username: CSHS92013, Password: ioqsjx EBSCO- Username: cshscougars, Password: cshscougars Brittanica Encyclopedia- Username: cshs, Password: cshs
Today’s Objectives: May 6 Learn how to create an MLA formatted Works Cited list. Plan the slide presentation for the research project. Write the name of each person assigned a slide on the page. Decide which presentation media is best for your group: Google slides, Prezi, Powerpoint, Bunkr
Step 1: MLA Format/ Works Cited List How to Make a Works Cited List
So… What should I do to make sure I formatted my citations correctly? Most of the database articles have the correct citation at the end of the article. Copy and paste the citation to the final Works Cited slide. After everyone has contributed the citations used, alphabetize each entry by the first word (excluding words like A, An, The).
Step 2: May 6 Enter information on planning sheet Decide on media format: Prezi, Google slides, etc. Find database and novel sources that help answer the research question your group proposed. (Go to Library databases). Refer back to 2nd slide for login information. Download and save or email sources to yourself. You will need to print the sources later.
Step 3: May 11 Make sure you have printed out your database articles or saved the sources to print later. Highlight the MLA citation at the end of the article. Read and annotate each article, highlighting each section that will help answer one of the group’s research questions.
Step 4: Bringing the Research Together May 12 Talk to your group members about the information you found. Be sure to insert important information on the presentation slides. Together, discuss what you now know about the controversial topics found in your novel.
Step 5: Crafting Your Thesis Statement May 12 issue + context of novel+ connection to world at large= a fabulous thesis! Examples: During the time period in which To Kill a Mockingbird is set, Jim Crow laws forced division between the races, and while much progress has been made in the last fifty years, similar racial discrimination issues still exist today.
More Examples issue + context of novel+ connection to world at large= a fabulous thesis! The controversial setting of the Vietnam War is significant in the novel Fallen Angels because of the realism it creates as well as the timeless parallels that may be made to any war, especially the current war in Iraq. The social issue of teenage depression comes to the forefront in Speak by Lauri Halse Anderson through her realistic portrayal of Melinda’s struggle to fit in at a modern high school and connects to the struggles numerous teenagers in America undergo each day.
More Examples issue + context of novel+ connection to world at large= a fabulous thesis! Gang violence in modern Cincinnatti, Ohio is exemplified in Sharon Draper’s Romiette and Julio, showcasing a real problem in modern America. Through his Holocaust memoir Night, Elie Wiesel portrays the haunting realities of his personal experiences and presents a clear warning against modern genocide.
Step 6: Review the presentation outline and presentation rubric May 13 Review the rubric and project instructions to make sure your group has completed all aspects of the project. Decide how the information will be presented (who will be presenting what information). Create a quiz (, handout, infographic, or question sheet to distribute to the class (EXTRA CREDIT).
Presentations begin Monday, May 16 You may use your outline or notecards to help you remember important information as you present. Email Mrs.Strawn at hstrawn with questions before Sunday or Monday. When you have read to this slide, quietly stand, walk to Mrs. Strawn, and say in a hushed tone befitting a secret agent: “mission accomplished.” This directive is TOP SECRET; do not share with any of your group members or those around you. Doing so will risk losing the item received for following this direction.