Thursday, March 22 Do Now: This is a writing Day! write homework—agenda top right Homework: same as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Review guided notes for intro. & hooks PRINTED MLA Works Cited for your Essay-Due Friday (see yesterday’s post for noodle instructions) Take out the following items: keep these together for using every day Mla notes Guided notes Transitions “index of they say, I say” pencil
Sample Argument Introduction Paragraph Cigarette smoking is not always an issue on everybody’s mind since people accept its dangers, and they barely see it in public anymore. Now, there are electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, which are battery operated smoking devices. Common sense dictates that without fire and smoke, E-cigarettes are acceptable in public, but they have sparked a new debate. Some people believe that smoking electronic cigarettes should be banned everywhere while others are not so harsh. Electronic cigarettes should not be allowed in any public place because they endanger the smokers’ health, pollute the environment, and have many unknown long- term consequences. Introduction Hook ( grab your reader’s audience: remember to keep them in mind) Expositive sentence about topic Explain debatable issue(2 sides without bias) Claim(using the language of the questions) with main supporting reasons
Should electronic cigarettes be allowed in public places? Cigarette smoking is not always an issue on everybody’s mind since people accept its dangers, and they barely see it in public anymore. Now, there are electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, which are battery operated smoking devices. Common sense dictates that without fire and smoke, E-cigarettes are acceptable in public, so they have sparked a new debate. Some people believe that smoking electronic cigarettes should be banned everywhere while others are not so harsh. Electronic cigarettes should not be allowed in any public place because they endanger the smokers’ health, pollute the environment, and they have many unknown long-term consequences. Introductory paragraph example (same one as previous slide)
Sample Counter-argument paragraph III. Counter-Claim Paragraph A. acknowledge counter claim & reason B. TLQ for counter argument evidence C. Counter evidence + Commentary D. transition + rebuttal D. TLQ –rebuttal evidence E. Commentary F. Concluding sentence Claim: Electronic cigarettes should be banned from all public areas just as cigarette smoking has been banned. A common counterpoint is electronic cigarettes are not toxic to others in the smokers' vicinity because it is just water vapor that is being expelled into the air. Manufacturers emphasize the fact that there is no tobacco or carbon monoxide being released. Sample Counter-argument paragraph Even though it is true that e-cigarettes do not emit this gas, what the proponents fail to mention is the other harmful elements that are emitted in the smoke. Dr. Glantz, in an article from Prevention magazine, disagrees; " there are several carcinogens that have been identified so far, and we haven't identified everything that's in these formulas" (Burgess). This evidence overwhelmingly supports the augment that e-cigarettes expose others to toxic chemicals. Plus, they could even be more harmful since not all of the cancer causing agents have been identified yet. Obviously, the city should just ban all cigarettes, electronic or not, in order to ensure the safety of innocent bystanders.
Claim: Electronic cigarettes should be banned from all public areas just as cigarette smoking has been banned. (see previous slide --counter-example) A common counterpoint is electronic cigarettes are not toxic to others in the smokers' vicinity because it is just water vapor that is being expelled into the air. Manufacturers emphasize the fact that there is no tobacco or carbon monoxide being released. Even though it is true that e- cigarettes do not emit this gas, what the proponents fail to mention is the other harmful elements that are emitted in the smoke. Dr. Glantz, in an article from Prevention magazine, disagrees; " there are several carcinogens that have been identified so far, and we haven't identified everything that's in these formulas" (Burgess). This evidence overwhelmingly supports the augment that e-cigarettes expose others to toxic chemicals. Plus, they could even be more harmful since not all of the cancer causing agents have been identified yet. Obviously, the city should just ban all cigarettes, electronic or not, in order to ensure the safety of innocent bystanders.
Friday, March 23, 2018 –Homework: bring your flash-drive next Monday, Tuesday(final draft) Take out all your notes for writing essay Take out printed MLA Works Cited (this was assigned Monday, we have talked about it everyday. Yesterday, you were to make sure you had what you needed, so it is an agenda sign of unprepared as you were told yesterday…) Quick 10 minute learning check- feel free to use the notes Time to finish –almost finish rough drafts Remember: From yesterday, adding commentaries to evidence in counter-argument paragraphs See yesterday’s slide and the next one
Rough drafts /almost done-due today: Intro. -Conclusion Follow this format for the Counter-Claim Paragraph (see Thursday PPT slides) A. acknowledge counter claim & reason B. TLQ for counter argument evidence C. Counter evidence + Commentary D. transition + rebuttal E. TLQ –rebuttal evidence F. Commentary G. Concluding sentence Introduction Paragraph (you wrote this on Friday or came in early this week to write it) Hook Explanatory sentence Explain debate or issue—NO taking a Bias Claim + road map Conclusion Paragraph(outline) A. Transitions, rephrase claim, rephrase road map, CLINCHER