Global Framework for Climate Services Deon Terblanche WMO; CAS MG9
Background from CAS-16 Noted the initial activities as identified under the Annex on Research, Modelling and Prediction component of the GFCS as follows: Strengthening planning and coordination of present and future research strategies and virtual forums supporting them, engaging sponsors; Bridging communities producing experimental and regular climate information; Research in support of core climate products, including sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions, decadal and centennial predictions; Research on climate observations, climate change detection, and development of climate data records. WMO
Background from CAS-16 Viewed the initiatives related to the Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S) and the Polar Prediction Project (PPP), and the integrated greenhouse gas information system as important contributions to the GFCS. Recommended that the climate service needs for megacities and large urban complexes and enhanced information systems for greenhouse gases should be considered as priorities in GFCS in the future. WMO 3
The way forward Management Committee Meeting Geneva, Switzerland 15 – 17 Jun 2014 This session will focus on: Status of the implementation of the GFCS Review of IBCS-1 decisions and status of their implementation Preparation of the IBCS-2 WMO 4
The way forward Management Committee Meeting Geneva, Switzerland 15 – 17 Jun 2014 This session will focus on: Status of the implementation of the GFCS Review of IBCS-1 decisions and status of their implementation Preparation of the IBCS-2 Second Session of IBCS 10 – 14 November 2014 WMO 5
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