Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! 32.1 O.H. 32.1
Networking Alternatives Classmates Faculty members Campus recruiters School alumni Your family and friends 32.2 O.H. 32.2
Research Sources for Career Information The Internet Professional and trade associations in the hospitality industry Trade publications Other written information Career centers 32.3 O.H. 32.3
Advantages of Large Companies Greater opportunities to advance and relocate Prestige associated with a name Less employment risk Compensation and benefits may be greater Legal protection Training is often more structured and effective 32.4 O.H. 32.4
Disadvantages of Large Companies Less control over one’s work Some people believe that they are just a number in a larger organization Less access to senior executives 32.5 O.H. 32.5
Advantages of Small Companies Employees are likely to know each other Employees may have a greater variety of duties Executives in small companies tend to be approachable Employees may have more responsibility More company-wide involvement Less bureaucracy The best small companies do not stay small 32.6 O.H. 32.6
Disadvantages of Small Companies Limited benefits Smaller companies often provide less training Fewer opportunities for promotions 32.7 O.H. 32.7
Human Resources Differences 32.8 O.H. 32.8
Preferred Candidates Will Possess: Effective communication skills Computer aptitude Leadership and organization traits Teamwork abilities Interpersonal abilities Personal accountability Enthusiasm (enthusiastic personality) Problem-solving and decision-making skills 32.9 O.H. 32.9
Candidate Characteristics Important to Employers 32.10 O.H. 32.10
A Recipe for Resume Development 32.11 O.H. 32.11
The Resume Cover Letter State the position for which you are applying and how you learned about an opening (or why you are contacting the company). Note special aspects of your background that will help you be an outstanding match for the position being applied for. State factors that attracted you to this organization. Indicate what action you desire (such as an interview). Provide a statement of appreciation for the reader’s consideration of your candidacy and information about how you can be contacted. 32.12 O.H. 32.12