Report of the Scientific Project Manager 6th COSMO General Meeting Milano, Italy 22-24 September 2004 Tiziana Paccagnella, ARPA-SMR 03/01/2019
New colleagues Grzegorz and Witek from IMGW (Warsaw) Antonio from CIMA (Genova) Giovanni and Marco from ARPA-SIM (Bologna) David from GIUB (Berne) Linda from MIUB (Bonn) Thorsten from DWD 03/01/2019
Internal Meetings WG1: Francesca di Giuseppe, Tiziana Paccagnella and Blazej Krzeminski 2 days visit to DWD (1-D var ) WG2: Workshop: 21 September 2004; Milano Heinz Bitzer 1 week visit to Bologna (Cesari- LM-Z library) WG3: Workshop: 21 September 2004; Milano Giovanni Bonafè 2 days visit to Mathias Raschendorfer Jan. 2004 Russian scientists visited DWD in 2004 (lake model) WG4: Workshop: May 2004 Geneve 21-22 September 2004 Milano Mathias Rotach and Andrè Valser two days visit to Bologna Andrè Valser to Bologna July 2004 Christian Keil : during sept till dec 2003: DLR/DWD Ulrich Schättler to DLR WG5: Workshop: May 2004 Geneve WG6: Meeting on “Code Optimization and Portability“ MeteoSwiss, CSCS and DWD 1 Week visit of Greek colleagues to DWD 03/01/2019
STC meeting Athens 28-29 November 2003 + SPM Internal Meetings STC meeting Athens 28-29 November 2003 + SPM Approval of the Activities/priorities Work Packages/Groups Coordinators meeting + Chairman Steering Committee + G. Doms + M.Rotach Geneve, 6-7 May 2004 Revision of ongoing activities Bologna, 9-10 September 2004 Last remarks about ongoing activities and preliminary planning of activities for the next year 03/01/2019
activities are ongoing General comments Data assimilation: activities are ongoing good advance (start) of activities related to SAT data assimilation no sensible improvement in radar data assimilation. Numerics: small group LM-Z common library “almost” ready LM-Z report planned for next year 03/01/2019
Nobody taking care of radiation in LM Applications: General comments Physics: Activities are ongoing; some delays. This WG still suffers from lack of human resources, although the situation has much improved since the last General Meeting. Difficulties in cooperaating from remote. Nobody taking care of radiation in LM Applications: COSMO-LEPS is running regularly. The system has been recently changed following results of probabilistic verification (to be shown later) A report to resume the results of the system validation is under planning. 03/01/2019
Other LM applications developed General comments Applications: Other LM applications developed Not yet a catalog of LM post-processing Guidelines for the use of bench forecasters and Collection of forecaster’s feed back A proposition will be elaborated by by P. Eckert, F. Sch ubiger, C. Cacciamani, B. Anger 03/01/2019
Still difficulties in pointing out common LM problems. General comments Verification: Still difficulties in pointing out common LM problems. Common verification package development is well addressed. Exchange of data is running; extension if this exchange also to other counties outside COSMO. 03/01/2019
Problems with the WEB-SITE now moved to Manno. General comments Implementation: From LM3.5 to LM3.12 Problems with the WEB-SITE now moved to Manno. Documentation still incomplete Newsletter No. 4 distributed. 03/01/2019
Work Packages/Groups Coordinators meeting Bologna, 9-10 September 2004 Most of the meeting was spent in general discussion to focuse the different problems in carrying on the activities and discussing other items related to our COSMO technical organization. Perspectives and specific tasks for next year have been drafted as a preparatory work for the planning phase of tomorrow. 03/01/2019
Quality of precipitation forecast Goals and perspectives for the past COSMO period (10/2003-09/2004) are: Goals : Consolidation, Documentation and Upgrade of the LM Quality of precipitation forecast Assessment of the 'realism' of forecasts Multi-national assement assesment of COSMO-LEPS products Assimilation of remote sensing data Application and Interpretation Statistical interpretation of high resolution forecasts Paving the way for the Meso-gamma scale Z-coordinate model version New parameterization schemes forefront verification and case studies Perspective Issues are: Variational Methods for Estimating Local Parameters 03/01/2019