World War I 1914-1918 Mr Pack World History
Prior to WWI Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente- France, Great Britain, Russia
Prior to WWI Estimated 16 million deaths an average of 5000 people per day 1914- Austria- Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo (Bosnia was recently made a new province). Assassin- teenager Gavrilo Princip (Black Hand) wanted Bosnia to join Serbia not Austria Hungary
Franz Ferdinand, Wife sophie
WWI Beginning Austria-Hungary blames the country of Serbia for attack, issues unreasonable demands in the “July crisis” hoping to pressure Serbia into war Russia (friendly with Serbia) starts mobilization (preparation for war) this is considered an act of aggression Germany (Austria-Hungary’s ally) declares war on Russia institutes the Schlieffen plan (this plan calls for an attack on both Russia and France), declare war on France
WWI To conquer France, Germany must go through neutral Belgium. Great Britain declares war on Germany for violating Belgium neutrality. Young men volunteer for war (reasons, nationalism, adventure, glory) expecting the war to be over in weeks
Reasons WWI Imperialism- competition between nations Militarism- buildup of armed forces, aggressive preparation for war Alliances- come to each other’s aid Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire Allies- Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy and eventually America
Trench warfare No man’s Land- area between two opposing armies trenches, filled with obstacles such as barb wire Machine guns, flamethrowers (first used in WWI) Tank invented to drive over trenches Mustard gas- chemical warfare used to immobilize or kill the enemy often causing blindness
No man’s Land, Flamethrower
WWI WWI becomes a war of attrition- war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses Airplanes first used in war- primarily for scouting, air battles Mannfred Von Richthofen “Red Baron”- top WWI pilot who fought for Germany, credited with 80 air victories T.E. Lawrence- British officer, encourages Arab princes to revolt against Ottoman Empire
Gas mask, machine gun, Red Baron, Lawrence
America enters war America attempted to stay neutral British blockade causes Germany to respond with unrestricted submarine warfare (sinking of supply ships/ warships) British ship the Lusitania sunk, (over 100 Americans on board) President Woodrow Wilson declares war Russian Tsar Nicholas II abdicates, eventually Bolsheviks seize power under Lenin. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk=Russia out of the war
Tank, dogfight, Lusitania
End of War American troops help turn tide of war Revolts in Germany lead to an Armistice (end to fighting) Woodrow Wilson 14 points- Plan for peace, no secret agreements between nations, free trade, freedom of the seas and reduction of military forces League of Nations- Wilson’s idea of a joint organization of world nations whose goal was to preserve peace and security
End of War Versailles Treaty- Germany forced to sign under threat of French invasion, officially ends war Germany treated harshly, billed for reparations (33 billion) and must admit war guilt, have limited Army League of nations unpopular in America, threat to American independence – no commitment to other nations
Effects of war Map of Europe is redrawn- Austria- Hungary Empire and Ottoman Empire collapse New countries created such as Yugoslavia, Austria, Iraq and Palestine Harlem Hellfighters- African American infantry unit that was assigned to French command during WWI. Commended with many awards for their fighting prowess and bravery.
Woodrow Wilson
Harlem Hellfighters
Responder 1 Q1 Which country did not honor their alliance at the beginning of WWI, switching sides to the Allies? Germany Austria-Hungary Russia Italy
Responder 1 Q2 What was the name of the Archduke who was assassinated in Sarajevo, leading to WWI? Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip Winston Churchill Kaiser Wilhelm
Responder 1 Q3 What was the name of the organization that was behind the assassination of the Austria-Hungary Archduke? Al-Queda Black Hand Society Red Band Society Casbah clientele
Responder 1 Q4 The Schlieffen Plan, (by Germany) involved a strategy of attacking Russia and also this nation. Great Britain United States France Belgium
Responder 1 Q5 Great Britain declared war on Germany in WWI because… Germany had allied with the Ottoman Empire Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare Germany violated Belgium neutrality Germany bombed Russia
Responder 2 Q1 What did Austria Hungary hope to achieve during the “July Crisis”? A)Ending Daylight Savings Time B) Blockade of Britain C) Pressure Serbia into war D) Prevent the Schlieffen Plan from being enacted
Responder 2 Q2 Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for WWI? Imperialism B) Alliances C) Trench Warfare D) Militarism
Responder 2 Q3 Which of the following was NOT used in WWI? A) Atom Bomb B) Flamethrowers C) Tanks D) Airplanes
Responder 2 Q4 Who seized power under the Bolsheviks in Russia during WWI? A) T.E. Lawrence B) Franz Ferdinand C) Nicholas II D) Lenin
Responder 2 Q5 Under the Versailles Treaty, Germany had to do all of the following EXCEPT… A) Pay reparations B) Limit Military C) Withdraw from League of Nations D) Sign guilt clause