WHAP Chapt 10 Asia 600-1200 Mr Pack
WHAP Chapt 10 Asia 600-1200 After fall of Han- China is anarchy for 400 years Sui Dynasty- (581-618 CE) Sui Yangdi unifies China with violence, harsh methods sends troops to Korea. Grand Canal constructed by conscripted (forced ) peasants- increases trade, rice transported from Yangtze river valley to populous N. China and capital Luoyang. Sui downfall- high taxes, forced conscription leads to Emperor assassination in 618.
WHAP Chapt 10 Asia 600-1200 Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) prosperous and stable, empire expands into modern day Vietnam “Middle Kingdom”- Chinese view their country as superior and center of the world, tributary system implemented (pay goods/money to Chinese Emperor) tributary states must perform kowtow- bow head to floor in front of Emperor to acknowledge superiority of Emperor Tang success- develop roads/canals, postal services, reduce banditry- exam system still utilized
Sui Tang Map
WHAP Chapt 10 Asia 600-1200 Buddhism spreads- Chinese monk Xuanzyang, travels along silk roads (629-646) to India- returns a celebrity spreads Buddhism Fall of Tang- Emperor Hsuan Tsung (712-756) rules inefficiently due to being distracted by concubine (Yang Guifei). An Lushan (military leader) orchestrates rebellion overthrowing Emperor in 755. Uighurs (from C.Asia) arrive to restore Emperor. War, starvation, disease causes death toll (2-10 million). Tang must pay annual tribute to Uighurs....never regain power.
Tang/Song Developments Tang introduce equal field system- each family cultivate parcel of land while taking away land of aristocracy ( aristocracy bribe government officials to gain back land) Empress Wu- rule impressive Agricultural production increase- use of manure, better plow, irrigation, champa (fast growing rice) Urbanization- Marco Polo writes about cities Song- pay peasants to work on government projects
WHAP Chapt 10 Metal production improves, gunpowder (use bombs, bamboo firelances), magnetic compass, rudder, junk all utilized Paper money introduced (named flying money for ability to deposit in one place and withdraw in another) Footbinding first practiced during Song (small feet believed to denote beauty) Poets Li BO ( 701-762)- love, friendship Du Fu ( 712-770) poet historian
An Lushan, Yang Guifei, Xuanzang
Rise of Song Song Dynasty (960-1279) Rival nomads from Manchuria establish Jin Dynasty in the North Emperor Taizu increases educational opportunity for peasants- bureaucracy too large and costly Scholar gentry- inexperienced in military manners but make military decisions Threats from nomads- frequently moving capitla, first from Chang'an to Kaifeng (530 m EAST) then to Hangzhou (400 m south)
WHAP Chap 10 Southern Song Dynasty – pays tribute to Mongols, finally defeated in 1279 when Mongols establish Yuan Dynasty. Buddhism combines with Daoist beliefs forms Zen Buddhism Neo-Confucianism ( emphasized teachings of Mencius) developed around 770- social ethical philosophy that combines with Daoism and Buddhism. Complementary opposites (li/qi)
Jin Song Map
WHAP Chap 10 Japan- Prince Shotoku Taishi (574-622) writes new constitution to consolidate power to one ruler, adapts Chinese practice of merit based bureaucrats and brings Chinese laborers to share knowledge of construction and craft making. Shintoism major religion. Successor Taika enacts reforms in 646- increase efficiency, government ownership of all farmland Fujiwara clan rule- Emperor figurehead Minamoto clan- rise to power, install shogun (bakufu govt) Daimyo, samurai (bushido) Tale of Genji