Floral Demo The following demo shows the features of our floral program. The floral program is an additional module of SimPOS! Retail Point of Sale. Descriptive comments appear on screen and you may wish to view more that once. Copies of the reports are in your packet. Sit back and enjoy this automated presentation. To begin click on the slide show button.
This is the first screen you come to when starting the program.
This is the main screen and allows you to enter your salesperson id.
To be able to do a new sale, you choose the new sale button.
This is the products screen. You enter the product id in the blue space. You may scan the item in, look it up, or use a speed dial or PLU.
This screen allows for entry of your customers.
F5 allows you to enter the wire service in data F5 allows you to enter the wire service in data. Information is kept in the customer table of the database.
The F6 button allows for you to enter the recipient of the flower order. If already in your database it is only a matter of looking it up for all the data such as address, etc.
F7 allows you to enter the order information itself.
F8 allows you to enter the wire service that you send the order to F8 allows you to enter the wire service that you send the order to. This information can be added later when you have found a shop to transfer the order to.
This is the F5 screen and works the same as the F1 customer, F6 floral recipient, and the F8 wire service out person.
You may look up a previous floral shop that is sending you the order by using their wire service id, phone number, or name.
In this case we have typed in a portion of the Avante Floral Shop name to look them up.
Since they were already in our database, they came up on drop down list and we chose them from other shops that may have “avante” in their name, if any.
In the F6 screen we enter or look up the receiving customer In the F6 screen we enter or look up the receiving customer. If they have received a floral order before or are one of our customers, then they are in the database. Otherwise we add them.
Since this customer was already in the database, we chose them from a drop down list by typing in “schm” in the lookup box.
This is the F7 screen and the first choice is the person on the phone ordering the floral arrangement.
We have entered the floral shop person calling us -- name Bob.
Next we chose whether it is a wire in, wire out or a in store order.
Next we choose the delivery date they want.
Next we choose the delivery time from a dropdown list or type in other information in the larger box. We can add to a dropdown choice as well.
We chose Before Noon from a drop down box choice.
We next can choose delivery instructions either from a drop down list or by typing in what we want.
In this case we chose “Do not call recipient”
We can type in the message or choose from a drop down list We can type in the message or choose from a drop down list. You can create any number of choices on the drop down lists.
We chose Get Well Soon.
We can add to the choice of Get Well Soon as we have done here.
We next choose F7 to Save the information we have entered.
Next we go to the F2 product entry screen to enter the kind of flowers they want. If this were a wire out order, we could go to F8 if we knew the receiving shop at the time the order was placed.
We have chosen a fresh flower rose arrangement We have chosen a fresh flower rose arrangement. Next we need to chose the color, etc. To do this we go to F8 to enter the info.
To do so, we first highlight the item.
Next we can choose from the drop down box or type in what we want or combine both.
We chose the 1/2 doz rose from the drop down list.
Next we added some other info in this case colors and exclusions.
Next we add the services charges.
Next we need to choose a payment method Next we need to choose a payment method. If in store or wire service out, usually we need to collect money and pay state taxes. If wire in, we should select wire as the payment method so it does not appear in our normal sales reports unless we want it to.
Lets choose wire.
The info fields allow us to add additional info if we wish.
We next say Yes to print the invoice.
At this point you may print an 8 At this point you may print an 8.5 x 11 work order sheet or choose to print it later.
The invoice number appears.
And the order taking is completed.
To process the order you need to go to the Floral System button.
This button allows for processing of floral orders.
You have several choices You have several choices. If you wish, you can request a copy of the various printouts faxed to you.
You may reprint the work order if you wish.
Simply choose the order you want and press print.
You may print a delivery sheet that lists all orders that need delivery on a certain date.
Simply enter the dates for delivery and print.
You may print out the orders needing work.
Again choose the dates you need and print.
You can easily update your order information.
Choose the order and enter either the designer person or the delivery person.
You may modify the order to add the wire service out florist information.
You choose the order. It is password protected to insure tracking information and who modified it.
You may at some point use this feature as well You may at some point use this feature as well. We are in the early stages of finding the best printer and card stock sources.
When you are ready to exit this portion of the software, use this button. :
Press the ESC button to exit. End of Presentation This concludes the Floral Program demo for SimPOS! Retail Point of Sale Software. We hope you enjoyed it. If you have any further questions, please call or e-mail us at 800-775-9768 or simpos@conceptsnet.com Thank you!!! Press the ESC button to exit.