Setting up Alerts in
Go to the Rod Library home page.
Click on Databases A-Z (under Journal and Magazine Articles (Panther Prowler)).
Click on a ProQuest database from the A-Z listing of databases.
You are now at the search screen.
You may set up Alerts for a search phrase or for specific journal titles.
To set up an Alert for a search phrase, first, type in your phrase and search for it.
If the contents seem to be on target for your research needs, click on the button above the search results.
Select how often you want these alerts to appear in your email and add your email address. Your search phrase has been added for you.
To set up a profile for a specific journal, click on an entry in your search set from that journal title. The second entry below (from Organized Crime Digest) is used here as an example.
On this page, click on the journal title in the bibliographic citation.
You may now click on the button.
The title you are interested in has been added for you The title you are interested in has been added for you. Just select the type of notification you would like and add your email address.
An alternative method is to select Publication Search from the tabs at the top of the search screen.
Next, either type in your journal title and search for it or select it from one of the alphabetical drop-down lists.
Click on the title in the search results (below the alphabetical list).
You may now click on and proceed to set up your Alert.
It is also possible to set up Alerts for the following databases: Ingenta Project Muse (ConnectComplete) Kluwer ScienceDirect Please click on Library Instruction (under Course Materials and Research Help) on the Rod Library home page. Next, click on Documentation (under Database Tutorials). You will find information on setting up Alerts for the above databases.
For additional assistance, please contact the Rod Library Reference Desk, Email us a question, or Chat with us on line.