Major MI Websites Mark Cheeseman Regional Medicines Information Pharmacist East Anglia Medicines Information Service
Aim Provide an introduction to websites and databases commonly used when working as a Medicines Information pharmacist
Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you should have: Developed your knowledge of useful medicines information websites [overview]. Found answers to example questions using specific MI databases (where applicable).
UKMi Supports the UKMi network MI News Highlights new resources Fridge Database Latex database Other specialist MI resources Medicines Q&As
UKMi Enquiry Answering Page Under the ‘Clinical Governance’ heading Standard search Websites/Web-based Resource Links. Word document to use/adapt. Helps you create your own ‘favourites folders. Effective Use of the Internet for Enquiry Answering. PDF document that provides guidance on safe and efficient use of the Internet.
eBNF & eCBNF Search or Browse Navigate using tree structure BNF extra Resources Calculators Conversions
Medicines Complete Martindale, AHFS, Stockley Herbal Medicines Handbook of Injectable Drugs (Trissel) Trial subscriptions available Special price for UKMI – contact regional centre for details Easy to search Access out of hours on-call
National electronic Library for Medicines (NeLM) News headlines Medicines Q&As Register & “log in” Easy to search NeLM Need to register for full access. Use personal log in to show this site. Searching – either using a specific term in the search box for the whole site or a specific section - or search via the sections themselves listed under products Point out: LNDG, PPD, Medicine Q&A’s, News Example search – Migraine News headlines Links
National Library for Health Quick links to many resources “Log in” using Athens username/password Easy to search the many products individually or separately Evidence Based Reviews Guidance Specialist Libraries , Books and Journals
Clinical Knowledge Summaries (Previously Prodigy) Guidelines for GPs Useful for enquiries relating to conditions mainly managed in primary care Regularly updated
Department of Health Difficult to navigate Lots of archived documents – your 1st ‘hits may not be the most up to date Put in the year – sometimes helps Use Google to your search
MHRA – Drug Analysis Prints Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency [] Another website that isn’t easy to navigate! Save the URL into MiDatabank or favourites folder DAPs
NHS Choices General resource Portal for NHS Services Patient information Map of Medicine
eMIMs Username and log in from your regional centre Useful for prices Some good tables comparing drugs in the same therapeutic class (eg Insulins, HRT) Summaries of guidelines Self-help directory
Pro-File Identify and source unlicensed “special” medicinal products Obtain the most appropriate products from the most appropriate sources. Access via your MI pharmacist (restricted access).
UCLH Solutions Medicine supply problems. Product Shortage Information updated daily. Critical Drugs section. Advice for dealing with the problem.
Toxbase Commissioned by HPA National Poisons Information Service Poisons, antidotes etc Medicines in Pregnancy
Practical IT Workshop
Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you should now have: Developed your knowledge of useful medicines information websites [overview]. Found answers to example questions using specific MI databases (where applicable).