Ad-Hoc Multiple Antenna Channel Modeling Group Announcement September 2002 Ad-Hoc Multiple Antenna Channel Modeling Group Announcement Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless (858) 704-0430 Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless submission
Ad-Hoc Multiple Antenna Channel Modeling Group September 2002 Ad-Hoc Multiple Antenna Channel Modeling Group Purpose of the group: Extend existing 802.11 channel models to multiple antenna case. Applicable to: WNG SG HT SG Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless submission
Current Participants Vinko Erceg (Zyray Wireless) September 2002 Current Participants Vinko Erceg (Zyray Wireless) Laurent Schumacher (CPK, Aalborg Univ., Denmark) J.P. Kermoal (CPK, Aalborg Univ.) T.B. Sorensen (CPK, Aalborg Univ.) Persefoni Kyritsi (Aalborg University) Andreas Molisch (Mitsubishi) Daniel Baum (ETH Univ., Zurich) Alexei Gorokhov (Phillips) Pieter Van Rooyen (Zyray Wireless) Pieter Roux (Zyray Wireless) Helmut Boelcskei (ETH Univ.) Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
Proposal on Channel Models September 2002 Proposal on Channel Models Plan of action: Weekly conference calls. Submit a proposal at the November 2002 meeting. To participate and contribute contact V. Erceg. Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless