Title of the Presentation Jensen, B. Andersen, C. Hansen and D. Pedersen Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University, DK 1. Title 3. Text The title of the poster presentation should be in boldface 80 pt Arial . Capitalize the first word and all other words, except for closed-class words. Text colour is white. The title should be no more than two lines. Headings should be 57 pt arial an boldface and the colour should be RGB: 148, 161, 174 Text on the poster should be in 32 pt arial The text colour should be RGB: 51, 102, 153 2. Authors The list of authors should be written in 50 pt arial with the author’s initials followed by surname. The same is the case for affiliation. Text colour is white. 4. Conclusions The height of the text boxes may be changed and more text boxes added. The width may not be changed and they should be placed beneath one another. Acknowledgement The authors of this work gratefully acknowledge Grundfos for sponsoring the 6th MechMan Symposium