MTEF ALLOCATIONS 2018/19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21 Financial Management Services Nosipho Ngcaba Director-General Portfolio Committee Briefing 27 March 2018
MTEF Allocations Per Programme 2018/2019 R’000 2019/2020 2020/2021 Administration 941 820 1 021 945 1 090 068 2. Legal, Authorisations, Compliance and Enforcement 189 324 203 471 217 230 3. Oceans and Coasts 491 995 508 054 538 734 4. Climate Change and Air Quality 294 508 305 685 323 792 5. Biodiversity and Conservation 773 350 800 145 845 828 6. Environmental Programmes 3 871 281 4 106 962 4 334 529 7. Chemicals and Waste Management 550 254 585 576 619 127 Total 7 112 532 7 531 838 7 969 308
MTEF Allocations Per Economical Classification 2018/2019 R’000 2019/2020 2020/2021 Total Current Payments 2 276 650 2 407 210 2 562 753 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services (1) 1 149 020 1 127 630 1 237 539 1 169 671 1 333 091 1 229 662 Total Transfer Payments 4 657 535 4 933 741 5 205 168 Expanded Public Works Projects (2) Departmental Agencies and Accounts (3) Foreign Governments and International (GEF) Green Fund Allocation Non-Profit Institutions (4) 2 998 640 1 531 163 16 928 95 000 15 804 3 232 557 1 555 818 17 876 111 000 16 490 3 410 348 1 641 459 18 859 117 105 17 397 Total Payments for Capital Assets 178 347 190 887 201 387 Unitary Payments: Environment House (Pta) Machinery and Equipment 147 375 30 972 158 576 32 311 167 298 34 089 Total 7 112 532 7 531 838 7 969 308
MTEF Allocations: Compensation of Employees Description 2016/17 R’000 % Increase 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Initial Allocation ENE 2016 (Issued: 27/10/2015) 1 001 609 10% 1 101 512 6.8% 1 176 079 7.4% 1 263 109 Minus: National Treasury implemented cuts (5 000) (54 927) (85 240) (111 183) Revised Allocation ENE 2016 & Compensation Ceiling (Issued: 18/01/2016) 996 609 4% 1 046 585 1 090 839 5.6% 1 151 926 Minus: National Treasury implemented cut ENE 2017 (11 512) (12 224) 8 916 Allocation ENE 2017 3.8% 1 035 073 1 078 615 7.6% 1 160 842 7.48% 1 247 755 AENE 2017: National Treasury approval increase 2017/18 from Goods and Services 15 000 ENE 2018 increase from Goods and Services 70 405 76 697 85 336 Revised Allocation 5.4% 1 050 073 9.4% 1 149 020 7.7% 1 237 539 7.72% 1 333 091
(1) Goods and Services Analysis per item Items 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 R’ 000 2020/21 Fixed and Earmarked Allocations: Phakisa: Oceans Economy Strategy Office Accommodation: Leases and municipal services International Membership Fees Communication Systems and Data lines: SITA Auditors: External & Internal Research and development: Oceans and Coasts Wildlife Information Management Unit SA Algoa: Manning and Operating SA Agulhas II: Manning and Operating Antarctica & Islands: Fuel, Groceries, Satellite, et Antarctica & Islands: Helicopter Services EPWP: Small Projects Alien Vegetation clearing (contractors) Enforcement Air Quality Monitoring Stations maintenance Landfill Site Licencing 96 762 78 000 13 122 36 860 12 597 24 980 5 256 53 785 122 871 24 600 38 445 92 362 43 537 22 000 6 000 104 116 83 928 13 673 44 840 13 400 26 415 5 655 55 873 128 321 25 800 40 367 96 980 46 847 24 000 6 456 109 322 88 544 14 357 47 082 14 070 27 735 5 938 58 667 134 737 27 090 42 385 101 829 49 189 25 200 6 779 Total Fixed and Earmarked Allocation 671 177 716 671 752 924 Budget available for other operational expenses, inspections, personnel development, stationary, travel & subsistence, venues, operational leases, advertising, bursaries, other environmental agreements /stakeholders 456 453 453 000 476 738 Total Goods & Services 1 127 630 1 169 671 1 229 662
(2)Expanded Public Works Projects 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Environmental Protection and Infrastructure Programme (EPIP) 964 064 1 010 292 1 065 858 Projects Public Entities SANPARKS iSimangaliso Projects Private Enterprises Incentives 147 692 13 247 616 320 186 805 186 889 36 200 589 937 197 266 268 850 26 200 562 692 208 116 Natural Resource Management (NRM) 2 034 576 2 222 265 2 344 490 Working on Fire Projects Working for Water - Projects Public Entities SANBI 556 225 96 157 339 631 54 520 32 650 794 397 160 996 587 374 101 541 263 500 58 428 35 510 1 005 791 170 121 619 680 107 126 285 000 63 500 38 000 1 051 536 179 648 TOTAL Allocation for projects 2 998 640 3 232 557 3 410 348
(3)Public Entities Allocations 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 South African National Parks 396 556 396 944 418 775 Operations Infrastructure 292 007 104 549 288 214 108 730 304 065 114 710 South African National Biodiversity Institute 405 131 426 312 449 760 325 781 79 350 343 788 82 524 362 697 87 063 South African Weather Service 237 005 242 589 255 931 199 975 37 030 204 074 38 515 215 298 40 633 Isimangaliso Wetland Park 144 471 110 973 117 076 32 821 111 650 36 457 74 516 38 462 78 614 Waste Management Bureau 348 000 379 000 399 917 Total 1 531 163 1 555 818 1 641 459 Notes An emerging trend of an annual deficit is now being observed in all the entities. It was also observed that the surpluses of SAWS year on year has decreased significantly.
(4) Non-Profit Institutions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) 11 879 12 473 13 159 National Association for Clean Air (NACA) 1 638 1 730 1 825 KwaZulu-Natal Conservation Board 1 287 1 358 African World Heritage Fund 1 000 1 055 TOTAL 15 804 16 490 17 397
Funded Priorities
Programme 1: Administration Priorities 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 R’ 000 2020/21 Office Accommodation (CPT, Regional Offices) Unitary Payment: DEA Environment House Pretoria International Membership Fees Global Environmental Fund (GEF) Communication Systems and Data lines: SITA Auditors: External & Internal Environmental Advisory Services Environmental Sector Coordination Ministry Support Services: (Communication, Human Capital, Financial Services, Facilities Management, Business Performance, Governance, Risk Management, Internal Audit, Information Management) 78 000 147 375 3 456 16 928 36 860 12 597 99 404 67 708 52 381 427 111 83 928 158 576 3 610 17 876 44 800 13 400 108 587 72 243 59 683 459 242 88 544 167 298 3 709 18 859 46 368 14 070 115 821 74 801 64 905 495 693 Total Allocated 941 820 1 021 945 1 090 068
Programme 2: Legal, Authorisations, Compliance and Enforcement Sub-Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Legal, Authorisations, Compliance and Enforcement Management 7 079 7 618 8 143 Compliance Monitoring 33 147 35 375 38 196 Integrated Environmental Authorisations 50 204 54 309 57 834 Enforcement 70 733 76 111 80 883 Corporate Legal Support and Litigation 10 679 11 492 12 283 Law Reform and Appeals 17 482 18 566 19 891 Total Allocated 189 324 203 471 217 230
Programme 3: Oceans and Coasts Sub-Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Oceans and Coasts Management 8 064 8 545 9 123 Integrated Coastal Management and Coastal Conservation 51 439 55 349 58 584 Oceans and Coastal Research 116 661 108 461 115 471 Oceans Economy and Project Management 96 762 104 116 110 200 Specialist Monitoring Services 219 069 231 583 245 356 Total Allocated 491 995 508 054 538 734
Programme 4: Climate Change and Air Quality Sub-Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Climate Change Management 9 877 10 622 11 330 Climate Change Mitigation 11 735 12 474 13 622 Climate Change Adaption 9 344 9 850 10 441 Air Quality Management 38 000 40 797 43 298 International Climate Change Relations and Negotiations 12 336 13 273 14 145 Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation 13 241 14 595 15 658 South African Weather Services 199 975 204 074 215 298 Total Allocated 294 508 305 685 323 792
Programme 5: Biodiversity and Conservation Sub-Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Biodiversity and Conservation Management 20 066 21 591 23 049 Biodiversity Planning and Management 30 438 32 752 34 986 Protected Areas Systems Management 40 392 43 242 45 999 Biodiversity Monitoring Specialist Service 10 828 11 486 12 457 Biodiversity Economy and Sustainable Use 21 017 22 615 24 113 Isimangaliso Wetland Park Authority 32 821 36 457 38 462 South African National Parks 292 007 288 214 304 065 South African National Biodiversity Institute 325 781 343 788 362 697 Total Allocated 773 350 800 145 845 828
Programme 6: Environmental Programmes Sub-Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Environmental Programmes Management 182 912 210 284 222 095 Environmental Protection and Infrastructure Programme 1 407 490 1 420 481 1 501 373 Natural Resource Management 2 125 662 2 303 523 2 427 979 Information Management and Sector Coordination 60 217 61 674 65 977 DBSA: Green Fund 95 000 111 000 117 105 Total Allocated 3 871 281 4 106 962 4 334 529
Programme 7: Chemicals and Waste Management Sub-Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Chemicals and Waste Management 6 858 7 379 7 876 Hazardous Waste Management and Licencing 118 027 115 058 121 981 Integrated Waste Management and Strategic Support 21 079 22 680 24 230 Chemicals and Waste Policy, Evaluation and Monitoring 12 184 12 991 13 713 Chemicals Management 15 396 16 500 17 535 Waste Bureau 376 710 410 968 433 792 Total Allocated 550 254 585 576 619 127
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