COMMUNICATION Framework for Communication Communication Theories Communication Models The Communication Process Goals and Purposes of Communication
Communication Theories Communication theories address a variety of areas and contexts: Verbal and Nonverbal Messages Interpersonal/Relational Cultural Group/Organizational/Public Communication Mass Communication
Public Relations borrows from several theory areas This would depend on the goals, purposes, objectives, and context for communication. Basic messages from Information Theory Public communication from Rhetorical Theory Mass communication Theories
Examples of Mass Communication Theory applied to Public Relations Two-Step Flow Theory Spiral of Silence
Public Relations Models Grunig-Hunt Models Press Agentry/Publicity Model Public Information Model Two-Way Asymmetric Model Two-Way Symmetric Model
The Communication Process SEMDR SEMDR
SEMDR Communication Process Source Encoding Message Decoding Receiver
Communication Process Model
Communication Process Elements Source-origin of communication Message-content of the message Encode-translates idea into message Decode-breaks down the message Receiver-targeted message recipient NOTE: Processing and feedback necessary by all parties involved.
What are some barriers to communication? Clue: Inhibits the message from being received.
What are some of the contexts in which communication occurs? Clue: Two workers engaged in a planning meeting for a campaign Answer: Interpersonal communication
Our words our open to interpretation..... Can you think of an example?
They’re only words….. “Can’t we all just get along?” “I never inhaled.” “If they don’t fit, you must acquit.” …but we remember them.
Some words stay in the lexicon….. Hanging chads Embeds Would they be understandable in all contexts?
Symbols What symbol is used to identify your school? Why would organizations like your school want to use symbols? What are some organizational symbols that are evident on campus?
Semantics Are there any differences here? I want you to use the color red to identify our logo. I want you to use fire engine red to identify our logo.
Points to remember The message must be clear to all parties. Write and speak with the audience in mind.
Can you identify some recent problems that some organizations have had with communication? Clue: Corporations
Goals/Purposes of Communication To inform, persuade, motivate, or build understanding
Hierarchy of Communication Goal/Purpose Objective Planned approach Research Write Edit/Rewrite