LEARNING TARGET I will understand how to approach future tasks or situations in a positive and productive way.
SUCCESS CRITERIA To find 3 positive things in all situations. To give advice to someone to help them to stay positive.
Why is it easier to be focussed on the negative rather than the positive?
Being Positive / Negative In pairs we are going to look at different situations from different points of view – one of you will argue the positive sides and one will argue the negative sides. You just broke up with your boyfriend / girlfriend You just got a bad grade on a test You have just lost your homework Your cat has gone missing You are walking home and it starts to rain and you don’t have a coat
BEING POSITIVE Which side was easiest to argue? Which argument made you feel better? Which side would you rather be on?
BEING POSITIVE How does being positive help you approach situations which haven’t gone so right?
Being Positive Jessica has had a bad day, her Dad has been in a car accident and is now in hospital. Name 3 positive things out of this situation
BEING POSITIVE Joshua’s friends are bullying him and calling him names. He’s been getting this for weeks and is feeling quite low. Name 3 positive things out of this situation
BEING POSITIVE Austin punctured his bike tire and has to push his bike all the way home (up a massive hill). He knows his Dad will make him pay to repair the wheel as this is the 5th time this has happened. Name 3 positive things out of this situation
Don’t Worry- Be HAPPY! BEING POSITIVE What advice would you give someone to make sure that they stay positive – even through hard times? Think- Pair - Share Don’t Worry- Be HAPPY!