Part 3 1/3/2019
Week 16, 17, 18 and 19 The Atmosphere Modules 3, 4, 7 and 8 in AP The study of the Air and the Atmosphere and how we measure them Movement of the Atmosphere - Air Masses, Winds and Storms Weather Prediction Next test: Week 19 T Jan 23/25 - covers the atmosphere and hydrosphere Week 20 A Jan 30 - I will be away - analysis exercise U of IL - Wx Course Lyndon State Course 1/3/2019 2
Prep Questions Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 (1) What role does the sun play in causing seasons and the weather? (2) What is the composition of the air? (3) What is the role of each component? Week 17 (1) What are the 5 layers of the atmosphere? (2) What is temperature? (3) What is Ozone hole? Week 18 (1) What factors influence the weather? (2) What are the weather elements? Week 19 (1) What are the factors that cause precipitation? (2) What are the differences and common characteristics of a thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane and a nor'easter low pressure system? 1/3/2019
Current Weather Review Radar/Sat US Radar US Radar NWS Goes Sat Page US Sat IR NRL Sat US Sat Vis NY VIS Sfc Analysis NWS Surface Plots Surface 12 Hour Fcst Surface 24 Hour Fcst Surface 36 Hour Fcst Surface 48 Hr Fcsts Emergency CURRENT SVR Wx RADAR National Weather Situation Page Severe Weather Alert Link Your Local Forecast Local Fcsts Rome NY 43.23°N 75.46°W Rome Griffiss Airfield Lat: 43.23 Lon: -75.41 Elev: 504 ft Lat/Lon: 43.23°N 75.46°W Elevation:482 BGM Discussion Wx Maps NAM GFS 1. GFSx -Upper 2.GFSx-MRF- Precip Long Range NWS Model ECMWF CPC Datastreme Climo SYR CLIMO CLIMO STAT CNY ALB CLIMO Other NASA Solar Science Solar-Sun Spot-Space-Wx Sun & Moon Rise & Set Tables Moon Phases Your Sky Start Charts Tides Maine NOAA Space Wx Forecast Central 1/3/2019
Review Thermal Structure Five Thermal Layers Troposphere – “weather layer”: Surface to 10 km Cools with height Heat source – ground or ocean surface Stratosphere–Passenger Jet Flight Level : 10 – 30 km Warms with height Heat Source O3 layer Reactions with UV Light Mesosphere – Cold Layer: 30 – 50 km Heat Source – Top of Stratosphere Thermosphere - Warm layer: 50 – 100 km Heat Source O2 Reactions (dissociation) with UV Light Exosphere - Very sparse outer most region of the atmosphere: Above 100 km 1/3/2019
Heterosphere Homosphere 1/3/2019 6 Thermal Layers Thermosphere - Warm layer: 50 – 100 km Warms with height Heat Source O2 Reactions (dissociation) with UV Light Mesosphere – Cold Layer: 30 – 50 km Cools with height Heat Source – Top of Stratosphere Stratosphere–Passenger Jet Flight Level : 10 – 30 km Heat Source O3 layer Reactions with UV Light Troposphere – “weather layer”: Surface to 10 km Heat source – ground or ocean surface Heterosphere Homosphere 1/3/2019 6
Ozone Layer 1/3/2019
Ozone Reactions in the Stratosphere O3 + uv => O2 +O => O2 +O + uv = O3 O3 + uv => O2 +O CFC + uv = CF + Cl => Cl + O => ClO Doesn’t stop uv and no O to make O3 1/3/2019
The “Hole” in the Ozone Layer (P 43 &69) Ozone depletion describes 14 distinct, but related observations: a slow, steady decline of about 4 percent per decade in the total amount of ozone in Earth's stratosphere since around 1980; and a much larger, but seasonal, decrease in stratospheric ozone over Earth's polar regions during the same period. The latter phenomenon is commonly referred to as the ozone hole. Diagram of the Ozone – CFC process O3 + uv => O2 +O => O2 +O + uv = O3 O3 + uv => O2 +O CFC + uv = CF + Cl => Cl + O => ClO doesn’t stop uv no O to make O3 Location and time of year of Ozone depletion: Role of the polar vortex – special meteorology How long have we observed it – since 1950’s See figure 3.6 p 70. Reduction in CFC - hole is slowly improving. 1/3/2019 9
9. Why is it important to have ozone in earth’s air? Ozone blocks the ultraviolet light from the sun. Without it, life could not exist on the planet. 10. For good health, should we increase or decrease the concentration of ground-level ozone in the air? Ground-level ozone concentrations should be decreased. Remember, ozone is a poison. We do not want to breathe it. We want it all up in the ozone layer. 1/3/2019
The Thickness (Depth) of the Tropospheric Layer as Function of Average Temperature of the Tropospheric Layer The Warmer the average temperature of the troposphere the “thicker” or the greeter the depth of the layer. This means the tropsohere has a much g 1/3/2019
Troposphere Thicker (Deeper) Troposphere Less Thick (Less Deep) Troposphere Height Variation with Temperature 16 km (10 mi) 9 km (5.5 mi) Avg. Temp Warmer Troposphere Thicker (Deeper) Avg. Temp Colder Troposphere Less Thick (Less Deep) 90ºN N.P. 0º EQ. 10F 90F 30F 70F 1/3/2019
Tropopause Height Variation with Latitude 16 km (10 mi) Avg about 12 km (7.5 mi) 9 km (5.5 mi) Warmer Thicker (Deeper) Colder Less Thick (Deep) 90ºN N.P. 0º EQ. 10F 90F 30F 50F 70F 1/3/2019
Real Tropopause Height Variation with Latitude is very Abrupt and is the Primary Cause of the Upper Tropospheric Jet Streams X Jet Stream Moving Into Page H L 200mb Polar Front Associated With Jet Stream 900mb H L 90ºN N.P. 0º EQ. 90F 10F 30F 50F 70F 1/3/2019 45ºN