The Age of Exploration 15th and 16th centuries
Technological Advancements Renaissance ideas were applied to exploration Magnetic compass Cannon Caravel Smaller, wind-powered ship Portuguese invention Astrolabe Determined latitude, direction north or south of Equator Better Maps
1507 Waldseemuller Map
Why Explore? God Gold Glory Gateway Spread the Catholic religion, primarily Gold Financial opportunities: gold, silver, spices Leaders want more $ and support exploration (Henry the Navigator) Glory The ability to brag or be the best Euro country. Gateway Access to other markets #1 motive: Material Profit…$, supplies
Portuguese Symbolism in Art
Portugal: 1st to Explore Goals of exploration: Christianize Gold Access to spice markets in India Supported by Prince Henry the Navigator, King Manuel I Got in on gold trade in the Mediterranean Sea Made $ necessary for more expeditions Will own Brazil by 1500 Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas Spain Portugal
Manuelian Architecture
Portuguese Explorers Bartholomew Diaz, 1478 Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499 Sailed to the Cape of Good Hope (Africa) Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499 Sailed to India, returned with spices & cloth
Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal Entrance Port to Europe
Christopher Columbus An Italian who sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain Cristobal Columbo Columbus begged K & Q for $ for exploration Spain had gone through the reconquista Expulsion of the Muslim Moors from Granada Bad guy in history Raped, killed, enslaved natives, Hispaniola, 1496 (Dominican Republic) Didn’t find America first Had no idea where he was. India? China? Can we judge him? Maybe not…no moral compass
Spanish Governing Established 4 viceroyalies or divisions of “new world” territory with 4 governors Mercantilism: colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country (Spain) Didn’t allow for self-rule or native industry Perhaps a reason why much of S.A. and Mexico are considered “3rd World” countries?
Moorish Influence
Ferdinand Magellan Magellan, Spain 1519 Sailed by order of Charles V (H.R.Emperor, Spanish Habsburg) Sailed around Cape Horn (South America) Explored Philippines (named after Philip II, H.R.E.) Proved earth was round, bigger than thought
Hernando Cortes Cortes, Spain 1519 Explored Mexico Captured Aztec leader, Montezuma Montezuma’s revenge Made Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) the capital city of “New Spain”
Francisco Pizarro Pizarro, Spain 1531-1536 Explored Peru in S. America Destroyed the Incan Empire Lima became the capital city
John Cabot Cabot, England 1497 An Italian (same area as Columbus) “Discovered” Newfoundland when trying to get to Brazil (Portuguese land) No spices or gold for Henry VII, went back to England
Jacques Cartier Cartier, France 1534-1541 Explored the St. Lawrence River & Canada Explored near Quebec Quebec is a French speaking province of Canada
Dutch East India Company Founded in 1602, The Netherlands Government supported company Explored solely for material gain
Impact of Exploration Columbian Exchange (Columbus) Exchange of plants and animals: Corn or maize, sugar cane Horses, cows, sheep Exchange of disease: Euros brought smallpox Natives gave Syphilis High death toll of natives Migration of people to “new world”