HARDY-WEINBERG CASE STUDIES Mutation Gene Flow Non-random mating Genetic Drift Selection Images from; Kim Foglia
HARDY WEINBERG: CASE STUDIES I • Count out 50 chips of each color • Determine which will represent the dominant and which will represent the recessive allele • Mark this on your data sheet • Determine p and q values and mark your data sheet • Place chips in the bag • Choose chips 2 at a time and tally the offspring genotypes chosen • Replace chips, draw again • Determine p and q frequencies at the end of 1 generation. • Reset bag with 100 chips with these color frequencies and REPEAT until you have collected data for 2 more generations. Spread sheet by Corey Zapin & Kyra Ducoat
HARDY WEINBERG: CASE STUDIES II • Count out 50 chips of each color • Determine p and q values and mark your data sheet • Place chips in the bag. Choose chips 2 at a time. • Make tallies on your data sheet • DRAW A LINE THROUGH THE aa column and MARK THESE AS DECEASED! (Don’t count in tally!) • Determine p and q frequencies at the end of 1 generation. • Reset bag with 100 chips with these color frequencies and REPEAT until you have collected data for 2 more generations. What real life genetic disorder could this represent?
HARDY WEINBERG: CASE STUDIES III • Count out 50 chips of each color • Determine which will represent the dominant and which will represent the recessive allele • Mark this on your data sheet • Determine p and q values and mark your data sheet • Place chips in the bag. Choose chips 2 at a time Tally results •Determining alleles- If combination is: “Aa” - tally on your data sheet “aa” Cross off this column (Don’t count these) “AA” – flip a coin HEADS they survive (count these) TAILS go die (don’t count these)
HARDY WEINBERG: CASE STUDIES III • Determine p and q frequencies at the end of generation 1. • Reset bag with 100 chips with this color frequency and REPEAT until you have collected data for 2 more generations. What real life genetic disorder could this represent?
BLUE- 30 PURPLE- 30 GREEN- 15 YELLOW- 15 ORANGE-10 https://img.clipartfest.com/4816743dc98a676117f3136ae8c5f188_illustration-of-exotic-animals-zoo-animal-group-clipart_1098-1300.jpeg HARDY WEINBERG CASE STUDIES - IV BLUE- 30 PURPLE- 30 GREEN- 15 YELLOW- 15 ORANGE-10
RED- ? BLUE- ? YELLOW- ? PURPLE- ? GREEN- ? http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2014-10-15-tidalwave-thumb.png HARDY WEINBERG CASE STUDIES - IV RED- ? BLUE- ? YELLOW- ? PURPLE- ? GREEN- ?