3D Text in Gimp Tutorial
Starting Open gimp, and choose your font and type what ever you want.. i used font called “Comic Sans". Size of the canvas doesn’t really matter This would be a good time to download special fonts that you want to use
Perspective Select your perspective tool and bend the text down to the back like this... in the image and click on transform.
Duplicate Now duplicate the text layer. After you duplicated the layer uncheck the first layer cuz we will be working with the original one. right-click on the layer and select "Alpha to selection".
Colors Now change the color to a darker color, in my case i changed it to grey, but it can be any color Select>None
Blurring Layer>Layer to Image Size Now go to filters > Blur > Motion Blur and change the setting as the following in the pic.
More Duplication after blurring it duplicate it alot, i duplicated it 35 times.
Finish now remember the layer that we unchecked in the beginning, check it again make it visible.