The Achilles Heel in GMA How To Break The Stranglehold of the GMA
“I have a headache.”
Understanding a problem is affected by our background of study/discipline. Tell a doctor you have a headache and he may tell you to take two aspirins and call him at 10:00 tomorrow morning.
Tjell the same thing to a neurosurgeon and he may order a CT Scan to look for a tumor.
Tell a psychiatrist you have a headache and they may ask you questions looking for stress.
Tell your headache problem to a chiropractor and he will X-Ray your spine and seek realignment.
Environmentalism is an “ism”
K.C. Urban Growth Area (UGA) Details on this map are not important. Point out general population. Point out red lines around each population group. Point out that red lines are arbitrary and accommodate existing population centers. Boundary is adjusted for future growth.
GMA goals (with equal emphasis) • Focus urban growth in urban areas. • Reduce sprawl. • Provide efficient transportation. • Encourage affordable housing. • Encourage sustainable economic development. • Protect property rights. • Process permits in a timely and fair manner. • Maintain and enhance natural resource-based industries. • Retain open space and habitat areas and develop recreation opportunities. • Protect the environment. • Encourage citizen participation and regional coordination. • Ensure adequate public facilities and services. • Preserve important historic resources. • Manage shorelines wisely.
Two-Step Plan of Action Public Opinion Hammer Civil Rights (majority vs minority) Organize Outside the UGA Demonstrates GMA unconstitutional Demonstrates GMA unworkable GMA violates constitutional right of people to organize.