St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reception Newsletter Summer Term 22 June 2018 Sports Day Home Learning The children thoroughly enjoyed our Maths Challenge Workshop this week. In Mathematics we will continue to revise mathematical concepts that have been taught through out the year. Encourage your child to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, double numbers, half numbers, subtract and add single and double digits. In Literacy the children are learning to hold a sentence in their head and then write. We are also focussing on letter formation. Encourage your child to think of a sentence and then write it using their phonic and red word knowledge. In RE we have been learning about God’s Family and how we all belong to it sounds remembering to use finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. This half-term in Religious Education the children are learning about God’s Family. Reception Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 26th June on the Astroturf at Middlesex University, weather permitting. Please ensure that your child has a school sun hat, sunblock applied and a labelled water bottle. We look forward to seeing you all. School Trip Our school trip for this term will be on Friday 13th July to Willows Farm. Children will be travelling in three individual coaches. At Willows the activities are designed to meet many of the Early Learning Goals where they learn through a programme of activities, adventure play and having fun! If you can help please let a member of staff know (no cost) Father’s Day Celebration We were really pleased to see so many Dads, Uncles and Grandads attending our Stay and Play sessions. Much fun was had by all! Summer Uniform As the hot weather approaches please remember to send your child to school in a hat with the School’s logo or a plain navy hat. Please also remember that the children are not allowed sunglasses at school.