Meeting of the BFUG working-group on mobility 13 January 2010 Indicators on international student mobility for assessing the Bologna Process Meeting of the BFUG working-group on mobility 13 January 2010
Benchmark indicator What the Communiqué says: Target refers to graduates and not mobile students enrolled; Target includes implicitly long-term and short-term mobility; Target seems to refer to outbound mobility; What the Communiqué leaves open: Types of short-term mobility to be considered (credit mobility / other short-term mobility); Which destinations should be taken into account, whole world or other countries of the EHEA? Level of education (cycle). Bachelor, Master or both? Period of studies of the graduate during which short-term mobility should have taken place. 07-Jan-10 Education Statistics
Benchmark indicator Types of short-term mobility Credit mobility Mobility for the purpose of gaining credit; after mobility students return to home institution; Institution is aware of mobility; Not collected, but can be integrated in current data collection tools; Other short-term student mobility Other stays abroad during higher education studies, for a relevant activity and a relevant period of time; Institution usually not aware; Not collected and it’s difficult to integrate with current framework; Proposal: Include only credit mobility 07-Jan-10 Education Statistics
Benchmark indicator Combining long-term and short-term outbound mobility Origin Country x Another country Destination for graduation country x Did not go to another country for credit a b went to another country for credit c d e f 07-Jan-10 Education Statistics
Benchmark indicator Data currently collected at international level does not allow its computation Data on diploma mobility is collected from the country of destination and by country of origin; Number of graduates that have spent some time abroad (credit mobility) is not collected. Regional scope of destination Proposal: EHEA + other OECD countries Level of education (cycle) Any programme up to 2nd cycle qualification? Study period of reference during which credit mobility takes place During the programme the student is completing 07-Jan-10 Education Statistics
Supplementary indicators Distinguishing between diploma mobility and credit mobility Other short-term mobility Mobility by socio-economic background of the students Balance between inbound and outbound Regional balance Measuring the level of integration of the EHEA Market share of EHEA in worldwide mobile students 07-Jan-10 Education Statistics