matri Medication Assisted Treatment Reentry Initiative Massachusetts Department of Correction
Purpose To provide pre-release treatment and post-release referral for opioid- addicted and alcohol-addicted offenders at participating sites in the Department of Correction. The goal is to facilitate transition into an outpatient substance abuse treatment program which employs a multi-faceted approach to treatment including the use of the medication Naltrexone, counseling, and aftercare referral to community-based providers
Expanded SA Continuum Assessments Non-Residential Treatment Option Move from public safety model to public health model Non-Residential Treatment Option 2 additional programs at 9 facilities Recover Support Navigators Supported case management Accountability after incarceration
Selected sites MCI Shirley Medium MCI Shirley Minimum MCI Concord North Eastern Correctional Center MCI Norfolk Old Colony Correctional Center MCI Framingham South Middlesex Correctional Center Boston Pre-Release Center NOTE: Eligible offenders at other sites may be classified to a selected site.
Eligibility CRA or Gateway to Treatment graduate Opioid and/or alcohol dependent Interested in medication-assisted recovery Remain engaged in recovery/treatment
Process Responsible Timeline Initial Screening Spectrum 6 mo. Informational Session Spectrum 6 mo. Mental Health Screen MPCH 60 days Medical Screening HSU 60 days Weekly Groups Spectrum ongoing Urine Screen IPS 10 days Tolerance Trial HSU upon –UA Naltrexone Injection HSU 7 days Referral Discharge Planner 4-7 days
Outcomes Since September 2014 902 inmates screened 492 declined 257 deemed ineligible 41 completed (received injection and released) 6 scheduled for injection by end of July 56 inmates in screening process 50 inmates pending